Reviews for We Found Love
Wolfo Gamez chapter 3 . 8/1
I've been dieing trying to find a romance based of of kda Omg SPOT ON I LOVE IT KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

from you friendly YouTuber
Wolfo Gamez
Carameleo chapter 27 . 18h
I know it's been some time since this story ended, but I would like to thank you for a wonderfully wholesome read.

I was absolutely infatuated with your writing, as well as the pacing and maturity of the story. Although the walk-ins were happening several times every chapter, you didn't fail in making me thoroughly enjoy reading every chapter and finishing your piece almost in one sitting.

I have to say, this is quite a fitting ending respectable of what I would envision to be the K/DA AU. Furthermore, I think the ending shines the most in one aspect - Eve and Akali never reconciled with Eve's parents, which is an outcome that's both realistic and down-to-earth. Not everything works out for good, and this story doesn't bother to hide it with some last minute recognition from Evelynn's parents or a hastened call.

Cheers to you and to AKALYNN.
Evelynn Deeva chapter 12 . 5/14
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I believe you might’ve mixed up two terms up in this chapter!

You said that being pansexual is loving someone without caring about their gender. Common mistake, but we‘re referred to as BI-sexual. Bi in this case referring to two genders.

This was in the conversation between Kali and her cousins. Thought I‘d mention it before some person gets offended
Inhumunculus chapter 27 . 5/14
Boy howdy, what a ride. Honestly, when I first started this story earlier this week, I could not put it down. I had never read anything that took me for such a wild ride in such a long time; I was craving and hungry for more with each chapter and got really excited whenever the chapters were really long. I know this was mainly about Akali and Evelynn, but kind of wished to see some loose ends tied up with Kai'sa and Sivir, as well as Ahri and Sona and Irelia and Riven, just to further draw out the parallels between all of these relationships in various stages of development and process. Either way, this could not have ended on a better note. Well done and thank you so much for the read!
Curse Of Kings chapter 16 . 2/17
When you call Ahri a foxy model, why do you spell "foxy" with all capital letters?
One More Guy chapter 27 . 1/16
Well, what a fucking ride that was. I don't think I have much to say, except holy shit you can write. Sure, it got repetitive at the end (because come on, how many sex scenes can one read before they get a sense of deja vu) but I didn't care enough to stop. Or slow down, for that matter. Great job.

I'm officially adding Akalynn to the pairing I wish were canon and will be hunting for in the future, as they have chemistry together. But I think that was mostly your writing :P

The positive, you've heard them all. Many times. And it's honestly way too late for me so I'll skip this part. You're good, you can write, there's enough proof out there. Or not, cause I now want more. Damn you!

One thing I'd like to note, however, is how some scenes felt like you were rehashing ideas at times. That's not bad per se since you covered it with the natural flow your writing has and the interest you cultivated in me for the story and characters, but I found it to be a detracting factor in my enjoyment. On the other hand, though, that's how life is. Repetitive, and I can't expect you to come up with wholly different subsections of a scene I'll probably forget about in about 15 newlines (Enter presses) because what followed it was much more interesting. It ain't even a mistake, I'm just nitpicking.

Lastly, your writing seems to become much too wordy at points. Tensity is great, and slowing down is a great way to build the scene and give readers more details, but sometimes you could benefit more from avoiding it. I found myself skipping blocks of info about some character's expression or whatnot. The more I kept reading, the more I found myself wanting to see some kind of change in pace in this regard. It's your style, and it's perfectly understandable, but I'd recommend experimenting with a change in the delivery of scene types here and there to break up that feeling you may or may not instill in your readers. Please ask some of your readers about this, see if they spot it.

Just... don't get me wrong. You are really, really good at what you're doing currently, and it sure as hell works very, very well. I read the entire story in about 5 days, and I loved it. I simply think you could benefit from being told about something like long-term effects your writing may have since it's a bitch to get a hold of them on your own. You should take my opinion with a grain of salt, as I'm not an author myself.

Anyway, I'll leave the nitpicking at that. Again, congrats on writing such a great story, you should be proud of being able to get here with your hard work and dedication.

I'll see you in your other stories' review sections. Soon, probably. Have a great one.
TheSnowTank chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
I’m going to say I play LoL and I was kinda expecting this to be well bad and I gotta say this is good not even close to bad. Well done author I love it already.
Akali Luxanna chapter 27 . 11/21/2019
Just read this a little late but I have to say this was actually amazing! I loved Evelynn's char the most it was perfect. I am sad to see it end but It was also great with the prologue ending.
drogon602 chapter 26 . 10/20/2019
drogon602 chapter 25 . 10/18/2019
God akali's parents are awesome. Can't wait to read the rest of the story I'm having fun reading this story
drogon602 chapter 23 . 10/17/2019
Oooooo IT'S GETTING GOOD. The real test is with akali's parents. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT
ExtraterrestrialFlyingCat chapter 2 . 10/8/2019
thats actually rather stupid of eve she could always threaten the guy with prison since what he did is literally theft she didnt have to trade away her claws
Starology chapter 27 . 10/8/2019
Hi Neko, late to the review party, my apologies. First of all I want to say congratulations on finishing another amazing story, your persistence and consistency are quite admirable. We Found Love was it all and more, sweet, heartwarming, exciting and beautiful. The journey that we go on with K/DA takes us through such a special spiral of emotions that just had me clenching at my heart at some points, wanting for more. Akali’s journey of finding herself and realising her identity is really well intertwined without Eve’s voyage of reflection and coming to terms with the love they have formed for each other. I can totally see them living their life together forever after long after K/DA retires. Neko, you have done it again; and thank you for giving me this experience, it was really a great read. Well done! :D
Teul Ehecatl chapter 27 . 9/25/2019
He pasado semanas leyendo tan maravillosa historia y aunque esta en inglés, he usado google traslate para poder leerla, sin duda, ¡Me ha encantado!, no conozco muchos fanfics de Akalynn, pero este me ha mantenido al borde del suspenso y la fascinación, las escenas hot han sido de las mejores que he leído! y aunque a momentos me desesperaba mucho Akali, los momentos de valentía que mostraba hacían que quisiera al personaje que construiste, aunque mi favorita ha sido Evelynn y sus intensos sentimientos. Por supuesto, quisiera saber si en algún momento se arreglará con sus padres y las historias de Ahri y Kaisa, pero de momento, solo puedo decir que amo el Akalynn! Y amo tu historia! Muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo y por crear tan increíble historia! Muchos saludos! y mucho éxito!
ShadowCaster2001 chapter 27 . 9/3/2019
Great as always, you are totally welcome to ask for any translation on a future KaiSa work and I'll be happy to oblige. Thank you for allowing me to help you in this masterpiece
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