Reviews for Dragon of Iwa
Dragoncyber22 chapter 5 . 3/22
A good story, and it has a very good plot. If you make a continuation or continue
the same story will be very cool and that the continuation is very makes you a great fanfic writer, and please continue the story.
Guest 8 chapter 5 . 2/10
Tsunade doesn’t train anyone else in her ways not even Hinata & Shizune follows Tsunade’s example.

The Elders tried and tried. Tsunade got an idea. She send a order for the Daimyo to sign. That all of the ninjas have to go to Inoichi for to see if they have the mind for the ninja. Tsunade asked Danzo & the Elders go first. If you don’t do this by Daimyo is treason..

Unknown to them they are living the life of Naruto until they break.

Sasuke asked Sakura to bring Ino-Chan back for him.
Sasuke asked Ino to bring Sakura-Chan back for him.
Sasuke sees the life of Naruto.

Tsunade smirks & reveals Naruto’s parentage. Jiraiya is half way there to give his heritage & the Senju heritage as well.

Now the villagers change their tune to Naruto. The actually put a statue of Naruto in th Town square.
The parents told the kids to start pranked people in the hopes of these pranks draw Naruto back.

Sasuke smirks not he doesn’t have to deal with all the Fangirls at all. Tsunade smirks and told the villagers the true reason for the Uchiha Massacre. To the horror of Danzo & the two Elders. Kakashi was Itachi’s sensei not as a Genin team.

Sasuke betrays Danzo & the two Elders.
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 5 . 2/1
A decent start but a little disappointing you took 5 chapters to get to the banishment and didn’t even get him to Iwa before taking a year long break
A-Friend01 chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
Please update
Rebmul chapter 5 . 9/7/2019
I hope Naruto kills sasuke soon maybe takes his sharingan cant wait for his heritage to come to light
Kaiser Thanatos chapter 5 . 9/1/2019
I really like this fanfiction and hope to see more from you soon plus I always love kurotsuchi x naruto fics also i read that comment at the bottom dont listen to them this is a good banishment fic
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
Thia is a great story but if ur not gonna finish it atleast tell us before hand. Period
monsterkillers124 chapter 5 . 8/17/2019
when will there be more
Cezar A FG chapter 5 . 5/22/2019
sigue esta historia
meh31324 chapter 5 . 5/22/2019
greate chapter when will you going to update this fic
Guest chapter 5 . 5/10/2019
I want to see Jiraiya go ape-s$&t on the village! Does Naruto still have the Toad Summons!?
Cdesousa5 chapter 5 . 5/7/2019
Story is great so far, I really hope you continue it. Looking forward to more
Footpath chapter 5 . 4/23/2019
Great fic. It's so rare to find a Naruto x Kurotsuchi fic, that pairing is so underrated, so I'm glad I found yours. Can't wait to read about their travels to Iwa and see the village's reactions to Minato's son. Hopefully they won't treat him bad, but if anyone knows what its like to be hated because of the actions of another being, its Jinchuriki, so hopefully Han and Roshi help him out. Really hope you continue updating this.
Gamma-X chapter 5 . 4/15/2019
Got a few things to say and ask regarding the last 2 or 3 chapters that I haven't left a review on.

1. Wasn't there a promise between Naruto and Neji? Where he said that he would change the fate of the Hyuuga? If so, I think it'd be fit to add in a part where he apologizes to Neji because he won't be able to fulfill the promise between them.

2. Will Naruto have a Kekkei Genkai in this fic? It'd be cool. Maybe he could learn the Dust Particle Release? That'd be awesome. He certainly fits Onoki's criteria for the next Tsuchikage, except for that one part about him being the son of Minato.

3. I see that Sasuke is still a dick. Aren't you bashing him a bit? I thought he viewed Naruto as his best friend...

4. Considering his title 'Dragon of Iwa' I'm betting he has the affinity for Fire. Or.. that he has a Dragon Summoning Contract. Am I right or wrong about either of these? And since he's the 'Dragon of Iwa' I will predict that he has the ability of flight! Which is quite rare from what I'm seeing... I've yet to see a single Naruto fanfic where he has the ability of flight like Onoki... It would definitely be awesome to see it in a fic for a first time.

5. I think this is a rather good and interesting fic. I'd like to see where this goes. And for Kurotsuchi informing the Tsuchikage, I think she'd either NOT inform him of Naruto's Father but if she did, I think the excuse of "Why not use the son of our enemy's Fourth Hokage against them and teach them a lesson of their own medicine?"

6. Since he's friends with Gaara, who is now the Kazekage, he could probably have him form an alliance with Iwa for Onoki, while demolishing the alliance Sunagakure has with Konohagakure.

7. Since you've already mentioned Kurotsuchi finding out about Naruto's heritage of being an Uzumaki and a Namikaze, I find it very likely that Naruto will learn the art of Seals in this fic. Am I right?

And uhh... I think that's all I have to say at the moment. Oh actually, last question; What is your update schedule for this story? Every month? Every few weeks? Every few months? Just want to know. Thank you.
Gamma-X chapter 2 . 4/15/2019
I wonder how Sasuke will react to Naruto being banished for his own actions against the village. Maybe hate the Village? Would be cool for this Sasuke to not be a dick to Naruto that much once he finds out what happens.
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