Reviews for Being In Love With Misery
The Good Girl chapter 7 . 7/15/2003
i dont know what to say. i've never read a lizzie mcguire fanfic, i hate that show, really, but this was *AMAZING* i loved the ending, and i felt like crying because in many ways i relate to your perception of miranda. i really enjoyed it. no i *loved it*. it touched me.
Steel Fox chapter 7 . 7/14/2003
Ack... what an ending...totally unexpected...unreal...i love the story its great.. Miranda angst is wonderful. I'm sorry I didn't review the last chapter.. i have been so busy...i haven't updated in a while either so...hehehehe i'll get to it i promise...
lalatina15 chapter 7 . 7/12/2003
its over! i cant believe its over... it didnt end how i expected it at all, but then again, thats a good thing. lol. im sad to see this story end, but i enjoyed it never the less.

much love, joa
funky pink high top chapter 6 . 6/23/2003
well, i had to reread it because SOMEONE hasnt updated in so long... ahem. it's okay. i forgive you. i thought it was an interesting tiwst, that kate and miranda were closer. interesting indeed.

keep goin, chica.
VanessatheMagnificent chapter 5 . 5/25/2003
"How fucking pathetic. "

How pathetic it is. But you story and this chapter is not. I like how you kept this chapter interesting- instead of the old fastion(sp) 'OH Miranda, I loved you since the day we met'or some shit like that, you added the twist. Keep up the good work.
Steel Fox chapter 5 . 5/25/2003
Whoa! Gordo was harsh...did he actually say that or was Miranda hearing things? This is a great chapter very angsty just the way i love it. Great writing and I love all of Miranda's little insights and quirks. Absolutely fabulous. Keep it up...I'll be hanging out for the next chapter.
funky pink high top chapter 5 . 5/24/2003
muwa, love! thats all i really have to say... but... i'm glad you updated! writing. rocks. more kisses, more hugs, more loves.
love-fool chapter 5 . 5/24/2003
Gordo is being a heartless ass, the poor girl pours her heart out to him and...argh

Please continue this, it's very good. MUST KILL GORDO...*cough* not really

Death In December chapter 5 . 5/24/2003
aww poor Miranda...that was mean of Gordo. And you were so right about the LMM being un-realistic the whole pop-star thing was really fake.
starcraze chapter 5 . 5/24/2003
Really loved the last chapter. And Gordo's line about "being in love with misery." Good stuff and update soon.
Gene Kelly chapter 5 . 5/24/2003
aw poor miranda! hey now, that was a little harsh of gordo to say after the girl basically poured her soul out. lol. *adds story to favorites* keep it comin!
belle chapter 5 . 5/23/2003
hey this is really good. poor miranda i feel her pain. i been through the same thing, but eventually i got over it.

Belle :-)
starcraze chapter 4 . 5/10/2003
Can't wait for the next chapter. I want to know what happens when she spills her guts!
funky pink high top chapter 4 . 5/10/2003
very cool. im so lad that one of my favorite fanfic people is writing miranda stories, because they're what i read. that and kate stories. they rock too. and gordo, come to think of it...

anyway, i really like it so far. muwa!
never been kissed chapter 4 . 5/10/2003
aw poor miranda! awesome job w/ this story, though! keep it comin!
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