Reviews for Snowed In
zutara4eve chapter 2 . 6/3
So cute
Makdawg52 chapter 5 . 5/28/2019
So intrigued.
jacpin2002 chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
Hot damn! This was an awesome chapter. Can I just say that Katara is a BAMF! And I love it! That confrontation with the Fire Nation was gold. And did Zuko really propose to Katara? And she said yes? Or was it just for spying? I'm on edge here. And bout time, they did the deed and also said I love you.
Desy chapter 4 . 12/2/2018
Loving this story so far! I love the natural (dare I say, easy) way Zuko and Katara just fell into the relationship. They've been friends for years, and it's evident. Aang also had some growing up done, and I appreciate that. Can't wait for the next chapter!
SisiphoWrites chapter 4 . 12/3/2018
Great chapter! I'm really enjoying this story :)
jacpin2002 chapter 4 . 12/2/2018
Another great chapter. Gosh, you make my day with these updates for this AU. Don't get me wrong, I adore your Steam series and am a fan for life because of it. But this AU right can do no wrong!

My favorite lines in this chapter..."I don't like that you're dating her." You're going to make me marry her to spite you...and is that really how you want your sister to end up married." CLASSIC!

"You're both a Fire and Waterbender." "You're dating my ex-girlfriend."

"Are you asking?" "Not yet."-*This one gives me goosebumps because I can't wait until he does!
jin xuan chapter 4 . 12/2/2018
You have done it again! Your writing is just as beautiful as ever.

I really am liking the interacations Zuko is having with each of the original Gaang. You really can feel how close they are in their subtle gestures to each other.

I admire how Zuko didnt go out and use his bending to clear th snow. Although it would of been easier, he was aware his fire could potetially damage what is underneath. Hes so hard on himself for not being as talented as Toph,Katara, and Azula. But we see through hes actions in this chapter we get to see his strongest point of being super self aware. (Understanding the importance of the other elements in the shower scene, and not all problems are solved by his bending in the snow clearing scene and how to be faced head on)

I like how mature Sokka and Aang are taking the relationship with Zuko and Katara.
And of course, loving the Zutara relationship goals.

Looking forward to seeing how their relationships with each other will help in overcoming the looming Azula deal.

Thanks for creating beautiful world for us readers. Looking forward to being transported back in your writing on your next chapter. Until next time, wishing you the best in your creative process and life outside writing.
jacpin2002 chapter 3 . 11/21/2018
This was a great chapter. Them getting hot and heavy like a couple of teenagers right then and there, is just adorable. That scene with him frying the electricity was just too cool!
My favorite line in this chapter..."I feel a little offended." Zuko said and scratched the side of his jaw. "That's probably not a good thing." Loved this. Looking forward to more.

I am absolutely adoring this AU!
Durrr chapter 3 . 11/20/2018
BEAUTIFUL CHAPTER! Your writing style is-ARG THERE ARE NO WORDS TO EXPRESS HOW WELL YOU WRITE! I love it. I love this. I LOVE EVERYTHING about this story.
Thank you SO MUCH for updating it!
jacpin2002 chapter 2 . 11/16/2018
lol...zutara steam baby being requested!
jacpin2002 chapter 1 . 11/16/2018
Hot damn! This was so freaking good!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
Lovedplease continue!
Durrr chapter 2 . 11/15/2018
I didn't expect another chapter but I was SO STOKED to see it! I stopped what I was doing for 20 mins to read! Love this!
jin xuan chapter 2 . 11/15/2018
I saw the update, and literally dropped everything to read this sleep for me!)

I am loving this modern take of avatar and professions the characters are taking on. From how Toph is using bending for architecture to Katara applying her skills to medical theory.

Your take on how the characters interact with each have other as adults is quite enjoyable.I’m an adult person starving for stories with adult relationships. Sure I enjoy my unrealistic smut once in a awhile, but it gets cliche for zutara. that first chapter where Zuko asks Katara how wants to be touch and open to talk communication ...gawd . Consent and honesty is smexy)

Excited to see where this fake engagement twist goes. Hilarious !

thank you for your dedication for building this world for us readers . Best!
zutara4eve chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
This is soo cute! Please continue! I am not sure if you want to make this a one shot but I really want to see what happens at the wedding.
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