Reviews for Dinosaur King: Project I
Guest chapter 11 . 6/2
Wow... Frozen 2 really started off with a bang in this chapter

I'm really interested to see what Elliot and the Northuldra have against each other in full in your next update

Keep up the great work! :)
Drew Luczynski chapter 11 . 6/1
Okay so we start off this part with Elsa killing who knows how many people with tons of tornados and the removal of electricity and water from the human population. Great job, Elsa. OK, I’m sure that the latter problems are only temporary otherwise I’d hate to be Elsa when she sees the death toll.

Other than that, apparently she and Pyro are supposedly destined to work together to save the world. That’s gonna be a conversation of the ages. Also suddenly witch.

I do also want to mention that it seems pretty unlikely Ancient and Cretacia were unable to find another Giganotosaurus. And if that capsule or the new dinosaurs give me any ideas.

I’m not gonna lie, Eliot seems to be acting kind of aggressive and mean as of late. I’m not sure why, or if it’s just me, but given the preview I’m going to assume it’s intentional. That or it’s because both moments I think of were references to Shrek and he was a jerk at the start as well.

Finally we have the “fight” with the forest people versus the D-Team. Which was honestly pretty funny, though I wonder how they survived getting thrown by the wind thing. Spiny as comedy gold as expected. Should I know what the Spinolangelo reference is? Because I got absolutely no idea on the origin.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to watch Frozen 2
Guest chapter 10 . 1/8
Holy cow! That was a lot to read, and I'm enjoying the mysterious interactions with Elsa and Pyro. Please update more when you can!
Drew Luczynski chapter 10 . 1/8
What a surprise!

I really liked how you wrote Dutch and Paris’ backstory. Very well done and very sad. Also did like the analogy the dragon queen started with.

I also liked the bit with Torch and Rapunzel. Nice to see some character growth from both of them. I will say that as someone who had watched the tangled series that Rapunzel, has not yet at least, the power to heal with her hair but nobody cares. And I did like the battle in this chapter.

Then we have the time skip which was a nice choice to include some of the more recent developments. The charade scene I believe is a reference to Frozen 2. The only other reference I got was Madagascar with Elsa and Terry.

I got nothing else to say other than our heroes should be prepared ‘Twitches’ for what’s to come.
Guest chapter 9 . 11/26/2019
Wow, what a great story! Please update for the frozen 2 part soon! :D
Drew Luczynski chapter 9 . 10/14/2019
Man was this chapter worth the wait!

First there was the battle, and it was intense! Brontikens pretty much nearly killed Panthos with help from Maria and Alioramus. Not gonna lie; Panthos was kind of an idiot for not just giving the D-Team the Alioramus and possibly Death Fire Move Cards. But the chapter called him out on that, so it’s really not a big complaint.

Then we got the battle with the Nokk. Short but defiantly suspenseful and great segue into the Frozen 2 part of the story.

Now let’s get to the main part I wanna talk about. Dutch and Paris. Honestly, I’m surprised you decided to include and Deinosuchus in the story. But I’m not complaining.

As for Paris, wow. Never thought I’d see something like that come out from her or all dinos. Not that I blame her or anyone else for not trusting Dutch. I honestly don’t know what Spectre was thinking when he decided to bring a Deinosuchus of all things into the herd.

I’m expecting to get his story next chapter, and I have theories on what it’ll be.
Drew Luczynski chapter 8 . 8/1/2019
Okay, this chapter doesn’t have too much to say about it, mostly due to the fact it’s mainly used for exposition, Which isn’t a bad thing, just an observation.

I will say that I am interested to see how these future events play out, with the Dino Bracers, swords, and what’ll happen to the Alioramus and Irritator.

One thing I can talk about was the ending. I won’t lie, I thought Panthos was a lot larger at first, but apparently he’s not as tall/large as Brontikens. All I can say is that I don’t think this fight is as one sided as the last one.
Drew Luczynski chapter 7 . 5/21/2019
All right let’s dive in.

This was definitely an interesting chapter, especially with Elliot’s backstory and his relation with the dragons. I also really like the songs used in this chapter, definitely going to look up that third one later.

I also found the wedding prep scene to be very funny. It’s even more funny given how things play out in the next chapter.

But let’s talk about the battle with the clones and dragons. First, really suspenseful scene with them attacking the wedding like that, and the chaos it created. Although I do have to ask, didn’t Rosy’s mom die when the thieves attacked, making her an orphan?

Nevertheless, I did enjoy seeing the dragons kick the clone’s butts. Thankfully no one died like I expected. Unfortunately, no one died like I expected.

I am curious about this tournament brought up, maybe we’ll get some answers next chapter, IDK. I do wonder also how Cretacia suddenly woke up when I’m the first chapter she was still unconscious. I know you’re trying to keep the timeline constant with my story, but still.

Last thing I want to talk about was the A/N. I’m sorry about your loss, dude. No one should lose a family member like that, espically if they’re awesome like you. I’m sure that your cousin reading this peacefully in heaven right now, happy you made a character in her memory.
Drew Luczynski chapter 6 . 4/23/2019
Once again, great chapter!

Interesting to see all the villains from both your story and mine coming together in one alliance. I’m curious how this all plays regarding Big Bang Mystery considering certain events in both this chapter and that.

I’m interested in what Mystery Man’s plan is, and what reading about Stalin has to do with it. Possible he’s taking influence, but I doubt it. And I caught what you did with Pyro.

I do like another reference to RTTE with the whole wedding gift thing, though I would take Spiny’s advice with the chain if Elliot lost it.

I have to say that Tank was definitely the star of this chapter. While she didn’t get to fight, her comforting of Spiny, and guilt over killing Rasheed definitely was my favorite part of the chapter. Never get to really see her not be arrogant much.

Now let’s get to the battle. I will admit I would’ve liked to see the battle with Guru, Torch and Lola since we had a moment with Torch earlier that’ll get to in a minute, but I’m assuming it was pretty one sided. I did enjoy Utah and Comet’s (odd team up choice but 100% approved) against the Kentrosaurus and Gray Triceratops, who I wasn’t expecting you to use of all dinosaurs. Though I don’t know why its existence was more of a shock compared to the others.

As for the scene on the ship, I really liked seeing Utah bond with Torch, we can all see were that’s going. I’m also curious what the other Move Cards are, and what they do. I liked the two shown in this chapter. Also wondering how the Dino Bracers will work.

If I had any complaint it would be regarding Elliot’s torture. Not that it happened, but as for why I happened. I might be assuming the wrong things, but why would they ask Elliot where the stones are if they’re referring to the Stone Plates? Morons, they’re in the Dino Holders! I’m also not sure how Dr.Z doesn’t know who’s in the D-Team’s army, but considering they never meet Aqua and Swift I’ll buy it.

And let’s end it off with Elliot’s family. An interesting bunch. And I sure got Narnia vibes when they charged into battle, even though I’ve never seen the films.

Can’t wait for the next update, even though I have to
Drew Luczynski chapter 5 . 3/20/2019
Yay! New chapter!

Nice RTTE reference with Elsa, I see your also a Dragons fan.

I also liked how we got a bit of a backstory in Max and Zoe’s relationship.

But let’s get to the good stuff.

I really enjoyed that battle with the Alpha Gang and Gothel. And I liked seeing Edmontosaurus and Tarbosaurus added, though I doubt they feel so good afterwards, same with Ace. I did like seeing Marshmallow appear, at least I think that’s who the golem was. Also adding Screamer was a surprise since I didn’t mention his name in the chapter, only my profile.

All these new dinosaurs are making me possibly think of putting them in a sequel story, but we’ll have to see where things go from there. I’m already naming the canon fodder, so that could spark some hope. BUT, do not quote me on this being 100% confirmed.

Also, I looked up what Minx means, and it’s kind of funny.

Now let’s talk about the big guy, Terry. First things first, I like seeing that Rosy doesn’t blame Terry for what happened to her village. I do have an idea where things are going with them, but that’s for me to know and find out.

I also see that Ally was heavy, I think that’s the word you call an animal carrying eggs, and Terry’s going to have a new family. I will say it now that Shep is the only birth we’re getting in my story, so it’s nkce to see Terry have kids.

As for the bad guys, I’m hoping they keep sucking, because I think them so much as looking at Terry’s eggs would be too much for me.

I believe that’s all to say for now so let’s see what the next chapter brings.
Drew Luczynski chapter 4 . 2/17/2019
Well, I can’t say if this was better or worse than what I originally thought. I’d say down the middle, but one of my fears still remain a possibility.

As for the Camarasaurus, I’m getting Infinity War flashbacks, and I haven even seen that movie. All I can say, and I know I sound kind of heartless when I do, is that I hope that she was as mindless as the clones in the amusement park. That makes her death a little easier.

All though, if she was created the same way as whoever that hadrosaur was, there may be hope for her to have the process reversed, but I’m just being too optimistic and want to give poor Terry s breaking.

Terry probably would be having similar thoughts to me. I really have no words for what I saw, it’s just a beautifully written scene.

In regards to Pyro and Elsa, I’m curious how he was able to communicate with her in the dream world. Guess our villain is more powerful than we thought.

Speaking of which, Hans actually was one of my guesses for the cloaked baddie, but he’s just a minion. Like Gothel, who somehow came back. I’m guess Cloaky had something to do with it.

Anyway, RIP Camarasaurus, and I’m already excited to see the next chapter.
Drew Luczynski chapter 3 . 2/2/2019
So this chapter doesn’t have a ton to critic. Not bad, just not a lot to talk about since this was kind of a breather

Rapunzel and Eugene were funny. Espically when Spiny attacked Pascal. That’s just a Spiny thing to do.

And the conflict up ahead is looking to be interesting. Both with the thevies and the monsters. But I’ll talk more about that in the next chapter.

Also, I’d like to remind you that Terry had kids before this all happened if you recall. At least that’s one of the things I assume Anna whispered into his ear. If not, we’ll see in a bit. Hopefully.

Anyway, let’s talk about the big stuff, the bad guy. I have a few ideas on who he is, but they’re not as solidified as the monsters. I don’t even know if he’s an original character or not. All I can say is that judging by a few things, I’d say he has something to do with Elliot.

I really don’t have anything else to say from here, so I’ll see you next chapter.
Drew Luczynski chapter 2 . 12/26/2018
Okay, since this story will be way longer than a one-shot, I’ll just review every chapter as they come.

And this was a good start for the story. Solid chapter, sets up the characters. Really not a ton to say here.

The inclusion of Sinraptor and Eustreptospondylus is... interesting. I am curious why they suddenly turned on the D-Team, but I’m sure that it was answered in this chapter. Did like the battle.

My only real criticism is the surprise we had with Torch. Did the D-Team not tell them that Torch was their friend now. And since they came outside than a day after my chapter, I doubt that it has much to do with it.

Nothing else to say but already look forward to more.