Reviews for Just Business
jltvaughn chapter 6 . 37m
About chapter 15: Oh and I really hope we get some hot sex scene's with Jason and Raven at some point! Those two are just explosive together. In a good way! They just exude pent up sexual tension and when it finally explodes (hopefully) it would be nothing but full on passion. I don't know what is going on with Dick at this point, but I'm rooting for Jay at this point. The man needs that kind of love in his life and Raven would be so good to him. I think he has earned Raven's love, Dick may have in the past but can he hurt her like that? Anyway, her inner struggle with all this is really well done and so in character. You do an amazing job at portraying these characters and their struggle's. I just continue to be impressed. You writing just continues to get better and it's awesome to see!
jltvaughn chapter 15 . 49m
This was another fantastic chapter. I'm glad truth's are starting to be exposed. I still want to punch Bruce in the face. I just don't understand why he is so hostile to Raven. She has done nothing but be helpful, risking herself in favor of his "son." I really hope karma comes to him and Dick. I want Bruce to eat all his words and realize what a total asshole he has been to someone who only helps other's and doesn't give a shit about what happens to her as long as everyone else is ok. I really want him to see and realize that fact about Raven. You have Raven's character down pat. Of all the things that have changed about her in canon over the years, her caring about others more than herself has always stayed the same. I love her but I'm really kinda mad about the way she spoke to Jason. As for Dick, I hope that he really does love Raven as much as she loves him. I feel like their bond would be that strong. Though at this point he definitely does NOT deserve her and I hope it breaks him when she dumps his ass (if that happens). Now I'm really scared about what will happen next. It's hard to see Raven constantly being betrayed and hurt. And now Jason, girl needs to apologize. Anyway, your story gives me a lot of feels and I can't wait to see what happens next. You're going to hurt me, aren't you!?
teentitangirl25 chapter 15 . 2h
ahhhhh! I'm not ready! I'm so sad! and Bruce is still a dick! I hate him so much. I don't know how long I can wait for the next chapter!
I love that I've found this story but I also wish I could have found it in the future so I wouldn't have to wait for the chapters. lol I'm so excited!
thanks for a great chapter!
evabrennan chapter 15 . 3h
Oooooh, and what's going to happen next chapter? I kind of want of see Bruce's reaction. But I'm sure anything will keep me interested. Can't wait!
Marleh0523 chapter 15 . 6h
It’s literally 5:37am and I have no regrets staying up even later to read this. I am absolutely obsessed with this story! As soon as I got the notification for update I clicked (then it was taken down for a moment and I panicked lol). You truly do an amazing job giving these characters depth with each aspect of their personality and thoughts that feels realistic. The flow and development is also moving naturally and doesn’t feel rushed or stagnant. Can’t wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/29
I love it so much love,drama, and suspense please do more
mandm1984 chapter 14 . 7/22
very good story so far. noticed some spelling errors and misusage of words but cant wait to read more. :)
Zaacna chapter 14 . 7/21
She doesn't have all the information!


Be it Jason or Alfred making a side comment, Batman needs to know so he can just stop being so MEAN!

Love your story. It makes me feel so many emotions.

Thank you for writing!
teentitangirl25 chapter 14 . 7/20
I'm so mad I didn't get a notification for the new chapter! I have them turned on so idk why. But I've literally been re-reading this over and over waiting for the update lol

It's such a good chapter! I love me some Jason yelling at people on Raven's behalf lol. Also, "leave it to Dick to fuck her up without even being conscious" was HILARIOUS. I don't know why but I love reading Jason's thoughts like this.

Great job! Thank you for writing this fun story and I already can't wait for the next chapter!

jltvaughn chapter 14 . 7/19
You don't know how excited I get everytime I see an update from you. I love this story and I love the one you've been updating on Tumblr. I swear your writing just keeps getting better. The complicated relationships you weave in your stories are fantastic. It's just an added bonus that you are so good at writing the sexy scene's. Again I love all the Robraes but lately my top two are JayRae and DamiRae. With DickRae making a close second. Can I say I hate what a total douche Batmam is being to Raven! I'm sure it's very much in character but he seems so openly extra hostile towards her. As if she is to blame for the actions of criminal's instead of being an actual victim of these criminals. I'm sure the only reason I'm not pissed at Dick in this chapter is because he was unconscious.
Lexiz andra chapter 14 . 7/19
The kiss! Finally 3
Batman is so awful to Raven, and Dick is such a dick. Good thing that Jason is an angel, keeping Raven sane.
Thanks for the update!
teentitangirl25 chapter 13 . 7/7
ahh I'm so happy I decided to read this! I love Jason with Raven! Richard is pissing me off so much though. I literally want to skip over his parts because he sucks so bad.
Please let Jason be endgame for Raven. He deserves her and actually appreciates and loves her! ahhh I'm so upset to have to wait lol.
Thanks for the great read! I am loving how you are writing their characters!
Lexiz andra chapter 13 . 6/30
Jason, finally! I was afraid he will never told her and she will find out too late (though now is too late), in the middle of the fight or something like that.
Great chapter!
Thank You!
lovingazerath chapter 13 . 6/30
PLEEEEASE UPDATE SOOON OMG! This is like crack to me right now, currently pulled an all nighter to catch up and now i am like itching for more.
lovingazerath chapter 11 . 6/30
I am living for this omg, please update chapter fourteen soon I am running out of chaptersssss
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