Reviews for Heart in a Vice
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30
Wow. I genuinely have no words to express the weight of this. I’ve always disregarded the BraXGoten ship but I now see it in an entirely different light. Probably the most powerful fic ive ever read. I applaud you, I’ll definitely remember this. Thank you so much
Astro1505 chapter 1 . 3/10
Loved it! I read Baby Bloomer too and it really was such a great story. I particularly love stories that make me become emotionally invested in the characters and both stories set in the Baby Bloomer universe really got me. I loved reading this from Goten's POV and felt your captured his thoughts and feelings in a way that portrayed his character in the story so well!
ILovDreams chapter 1 . 11/29/2018
This is just amazing! I have so wanted a perspective from Goten and man that didn’t disappoint. I love how this ties all of their voices together. I know some may not have liked the Trunks perspective of Goten but I think it was super necessary for everyone’s character development. It also helps raise the question and bring up something I always challenge people with: “Is it okay for people to have a past? And should they be constantly held to those standards or are they able to move on/grow from them?” It’s not a black or white answer and I think you do a great job bringing this up because it’s not an easy answer in most cases.

As I mentioned to you privately Goten’s mind is so seductive yet tender. He also has a very serious demeanor and personality that can be hidden by his goofiness. It’s great and refreshing to see how you help give his character some serious complexity. He is caring and is truly devoted to Bra.

I also appreciate every little tie in that you brought from the other perspectives as well. Like the tiny things about how he basically slips up or close to slipping. I think it also great to see how much he personally struggled.

Most importantly this was such a treat. You really do have an incredible talent. But this is definitely a must read for Broten fans.
kickstartmyhart chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
Yay, we got to hear Goten's thoughts too! It was cool to experience his side of things, and see the things that Vegeta was seeing, the struggle, etc.

This part at the end was chilling (in a good way): "I'll continue to watch over her, with her brother and father. Three of the most powerful men in the universe, silent guardians. Brought to their knees by an oblivious young girl who still doesn't know the gravity of her own power."
Rosebud on Royal Icing chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
I love this oneshot! I thought it was very well written and you captured Goten’s inner conflicts pretty spot on. I looooved how he kept feeling guilty with thoughts of if Trunks knew what his mind was thinking about when he thought of Bulla.

I loved the repetition of the line “I can never have her”. It’s like his guilt and longing are both mingling and he is desperate for her love but he’s also desperately trying to push her away. I love reading reading about Vegeta’s glares and silent warnings too. Hehe. The prince is always very protective of her isn’t he? I forgot to mention how much I LOVED Vegeta in Baby Bloomer btw! I loved his reactions! Thank you for this lovely piece, I enjoyed it immensely! :)
Natalia Montenegro chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
El dilema de Goten..por fin!
Sunshine Spray chapter 1 . 11/3/2018

I loved the insight into Goten here! It's almost a trope how he's an idiot-slacker in a state of arrested development but I love how much he observes and knows but chooses to keep quiet to keep the peace. He harbors no illusions about how Trunks is a less than kind person and thinks because he goes along with Trunks' antics that makes him a jerk too, but he's not for the fact that he doesn't do what he wants, rather he vows to do what is in Bulla's best interests.

And I just love how he thinks of Bulla. He's really putting her on a pedestal just like it ought to be. I think this compliments the Baby Bloomer chapter where Goten picks Bulla up from school quite nicely. That's the chapter where you kind of get the whole picture that the Goten/Bulla relationship is more than just lust and this chapter just reinforces it.

I think the writing actually comes off really sympathetic to Goten here, a benefit of having it be his POV, especially because his thoughts revolve around the feelings he wishes he didn't have. I think if he were a true sleaze bag his thoughts would revolve around objectifying her body but instead he is in total awe of her which works very well with the recurring "I can never have her" motif, not just because she's forbidden fruit but also because you can tell he thinks she is way too good for him.
annyRhale chapter 1 . 11/3/2018

Thank you for this, I've always wanted to see things from Goten's perspective. Especially more so after we got Trunks' pov chapters. And I have to say this was a very well rounded chapter.

You have managed to address Goten's views on everybody in this once chapter. We now now that Goten was aware of what was going on in vegeta's mind and was one step ahead of him. He was just playing dum. Goten is a very intelligent guy, he really was just playing everyone, it's almost like he uses that silly persona as a cover, everyone underestimated him. And Vegeta played right into his hands lol.

He is also so much more observent than he initally seems. It's interesting how he sees Trunks, it's almost like he partially believe Trunks is a sociopath. And it seems like he was actually worried about how Trunks was living his life. Maybe Goten felt a bit helpless when it came to Trunks' issues?

"he's there to remind me where my place is" This line makes me believe that Goten really does believe that he is not good enough for Bulla. Honestly he really did see Bulla through rose tinted glasses. Bulla wasn't perfect but when Goten looked at her all he saw was an angel.

I'm so happy to have Goten's pov. I finally see where Gotens head was throughout baby bloomer. And some of the confusing things he had done when he first started "giving in" is more understandable now.
TBossK chapter 1 . 11/3/2018
I LOVED this! It’s something I wanted form Baby Bloomer, but didn’t get much of.

I love seeing what’s inside Gotens head when he’s around Bulla!

I love the way he loves her lol. It would be interesting to see what he thinks and feels towards the end of story.

Thank you so much of writing this :)
Esso1979 chapter 1 . 11/3/2018
Wowwwww! I’ve always wondered the reason behind Goten’s disappearance after he brought her back to C.C. Ugh this is just electrifying! I tell ya, u are like one of very few Goten/Bra writers that just absolutely pulls at ur readers emotions! Ur so descriptive, it’s like I’m watching a movie. Every time I get a notification from you it’s like freaking Christmas! Well Done!