Reviews for Infinite Stratos: The Iron-Blooded Devil
Guest chapter 6 . 7/6
I love this story I hope the next chapter is awesome keep up the good work
The Rev chapter 6 . 7/5
What happened to that IS and it’s pilot after Ichika and the pilot went Mars?
Asianman2 chapter 6 . 6/1
Really like what I am reading so far. Keep it up!

Though I wonder if the IS core the MC had with him in the other world will be mention in future chapter.
superjoeyf721 chapter 1 . 5/31
Hi I’m new here, I read one of your stories, Justice League: Prime, and I have to ask, are you gonna go back to it and finish it? I enjoyed it and I really really really want more of it.
Kamikisekai chapter 6 . 5/12
pls update
KentLinuxStadfelt chapter 6 . 4/19
New reader here! it was nice to see a IBO fic here i got hook on the story and cannot wait to read more! Consider me as a new fan. Hope to see an update soon.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/31
When is the next chapter am loving this
Lioth chapter 6 . 2/21
This is great. Pacing is excellent, Ichika's changes in personality make sense given that he ended up in the PD timeline. The Barbatos is an obscenely dangerous close quarters MS, and is accurately portrayed here with one exception, WHERE IS THE ARM CANNONS?! Ichika could whip them out to surprise his opponent and use them to finish an enemy.
reader chapter 6 . 2/20
You know that girl is seriously asking for her spot to be taken and be kicked out of that school for a lot of reasons any I think laura will see ichika's past his time in a different world and will understand what true strength really is.
zero saber chapter 6 . 2/17
nice to see this continue always a pleasant read.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/4
I have no problems with this not being a harem story. Just as long as it's a IchikaxHouki story.
Peroroncino chapter 6 . 2/4
Can't wait for the next chapters
MachineOmega chapter 6 . 2/3
I hope you start to feel more emotionally stable, and keep up the good work!
marhaenaldi123 chapter 2 . 2/3
creative idea,i favorite it!
Guest chapter 6 . 2/3
love it
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