Reviews for One Spontaneous Decision
Fallingdarkangel chapter 10 . 6/30
great story! I really enjoyed it
dld51 chapter 6 . 5/28
Please come back and update soon. This story great
Anonymoose chapter 10 . 5/10
Heartfelt thanks for this fic. It was exactly the warm and fuzzy conclusion I needed during these trying times. Can’t wait for the next one.
Mctapfer chapter 10 . 4/30
wonderful story, really well written, and I just didn't expect them to be so "sexist". but all in all it was a great story which I enjoyed, so thank you for writing it
essa8b3 chapter 10 . 4/7
Such an amazing ending... I love this story with all my heart!
Are you thinking about doing someother story about bbrae?
Bhill62 chapter 10 . 4/5
That was really good.
Sanzojoe chapter 10 . 4/1
Like all your other stories I am happy I got to read them and sad to see it go. This chapter was also a great jumping through the years moment. Thanks for writing it.
Sanzojoe chapter 2 . 3/30
So I wanted to reread this to get ready to read the last chapter and one thing I like from this chapter, is knowing what happens later on is Ravens decision to try and be friend only with Beast Boy. I know it was hard on them both but it allowed them to really find and understand their feeling for each other.
Jumejii chapter 1 . 3/30
This was such a fun, light, lifting, and fulfilling read! I loved it. Thank you for putting it up for us to read; it was a fun fun ride. My favorite part was Rita and B.B.’s relationship seen through raven’s eyes. It was nice to see his family represented without a lot of angst. I’m going to go check out your other works! Keep up the amazing work
Mr. Ursine chapter 10 . 3/28
I started from the beginning again just so I could delay the end of the story a bit longer. With this story over I’m running out of good BBRae to look forward to. I’m down to three that aren’t complete I think. Though it must be said, your score for amazing BBRae stories is three for three and I hope I’m not asking to much in requesting you keep that track record going with a fourth? I’m sure whatever you make next, if you make something else, will be enjoyed greatly and I hope it’s something that tickles my fancy to pull me back in, so good night and happy tomorrow.
witchinmoonlight chapter 10 . 3/27
An amazing ending to an amazing story. It was really nice to see Raven and Garfield married and see their daughter Violet grow up (along with Garfield Jr.), and seeing them join the Teen Titans. I assume the 'new Aqualad' is Aqualad Junior. I would have liked to see Robin and Starfire's daughter and get a name mention, but I know this story is primarily BeastBoy and Raven focused, so I can't complain too much. I like the way you made the timeskip periods work. You did them quite well. It's almost hard to believe- one affair between teammates to many years of a happy marriage. And the ending where they're about to make love is quite fitting. Well done. Hope to see more from you.
ofherdarkways chapter 10 . 3/27
This is literally one of the BEST fanfic I have ever read, I can’t believe it’s already the end :(
Plzzz tell me they’re gonna be some bloopers or something 0
AWESOMEROCKSTAR101 chapter 10 . 3/27
Awww this was a perfect ending for this story! Great story all around.
sheisadaydreamer chapter 10 . 3/27
Cute ending! Thanks for the update :)
Kimagure Bijin chapter 10 . 3/27
Very lovely & sweet ending, thank you so much for sharing this fic & also for finishing it.
I think both Rae & Gar deserve such a happy ending since they suffered so much in the past, just as Raven I'm glad tha she decided to give Gar a chance & also that he put so much effort in their marriage.
Hope you are safe wherever you are, here's hoping for things get better as soon as possible
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