Reviews for Bad Blood Bromance (on hiatus poss rewrite)
Guest chapter 7 . 6/18
please update awesome story
FigsVsNewton chapter 7 . 5/10
Danny! No! The poor yautja will never be cool again if you kick the bucket!
Mad-Dan90 chapter 7 . 4/4/2019
Huh. Well now. This story had some surprises in store for me in more ways than one, so let's get into it! :D

For starters, the 200 year timeskip. I was not expecting that, as I thought (i.e. hoped) that the story would take place within the same span of time as the previous story, with Danny all grown up. Hehe. My how wrong I was. Still, I'll admit that this surprise helped to further my curiosity as i continued to read this story.

Also... HAH! Danny had "grown up" into such a lovable arse, but one with skills to backup his bravado. And what was revealed regarding his history was fascinating. Especially the threads that had been hinted at, but obviously been kept in the dark for future developments. I mean, what the hell?! He's dying?! From what, and how?! Yeeesh. That mystery glued me into the story. Also, I will admit that I was also disappointed that he didn't shack up with his Yautja foster sister. I totally saw them being together, but oh well. :P

The tension between him and his foster brother was surprising, although thankfully that was explained. I do have to say though that Danny's anger toward's his foster brother is a tad hypocritical, and shortsighted. Which is a shame, since that lowered his likeability somewhat. But his reputation as a badass hunter called the "Red Specter" has got me all curious, and I cannot wait to see the story behind that, as well as more of his skills and abilities that earned him that moniker.

Anywho, the introduction of "Rice Ball", as a foil to Danny was almost pitch perfect in my eyes. In a lot of ways, he's like a traditional Yautja, and Danny's antics was a great contrast to that. Them working together to solve plots and mysteries was a thrill-ride that left me wanting to see more. ;)

So far, I am hooked on this tale, and I am very much looking forward to more. If I had any other complaints thus far, it would be the cliffys. Urgh! Those get under my skin something fierce! Especially with how chapter 7 ended. So I'm unforunately going to dock some points off for that one as I give the overall story so far an 8.5/10. My advice? Try to lay off the cliffhangers as much as possible. It'd make the wait for the next installment a tad more bearable. :P

Until next time! :D
Hero Of Cyrodill chapter 7 . 1/22/2019
I certainly enjoyed the update! And I can't wait to see the next chapter... :)
Tenfangirl chapter 7 . 1/7/2019
Yum, the plot's a-thickening!
Tenfangirl chapter 7 . 12/27/2018
As magnificent as ever!
aisaac5 chapter 7 . 12/22/2018
Ummmmm...I’m just gonna wait and see whom or what it’s is. Not gonna lie my heart sunk for a minute... but I’m not saying anything. Nope not gonna do it. I will ay I love your descriptions. I have the best visuals in my head of how everyone looks. Make me happy :p ‘Tis why I keep coming back for more :D
angel897 chapter 7 . 12/22/2018
thrilling to read as always, hope those boys make it out if this mess mostly unharmed
Vakrian chapter 7 . 12/22/2018
So you want that assbandit quip? Go ahead take it! Another great chapter, I'm going to read some of your other stories just so i can het the gist of some of these characters. Colour me intrigued. Have a grand christmas with the little one! Much love!
Hero Of Cyrodill chapter 6 . 12/19/2018
Oooooh ;)

I'm hoping that the next update comes soon!
belladu57 chapter 6 . 12/18/2018
Very good
sousie chapter 6 . 12/15/2018
well rice ball better hope danny is fine or nina will skin him!
aisaac5 chapter 6 . 12/14/2018
Lol I mad you just realized it Auk! Lol. Ha I just realized that Danny makes me think of Dean Winchester.
angel897 chapter 6 . 12/14/2018
fun an exciting to read as always
Tenfangirl chapter 6 . 12/14/2018
Good point - what DID happen to the cute little boy? Will you write any sort of catch up for us? It would be interesting to find out what occurred between then & now, but what is happening now is suitably nail biting!
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