Reviews for Operator of The End
Cheshirek3t chapter 3 . 5/31
Oh man i remember this
22 chapters eh? Not bad friend
Tho the dialogues seem to need some tiny polishing
And the paragraphs are kinda disorganized this story is excellent (also some minor grammar, but that's manageable)
I'm going to read my night away now
Good night
Cheshirek3t chapter 2 . 12/16/2019
I have two questions
1- why did he say he can't be both himself and volt? Does he mean physically or mentally?
2- whoy is there a crush? Did the fall of the citadel unleash something?
Guest chapter 9 . 4/2/2019
Love the stories. I would love it if you could write more often. I play warframe on ps4 and main nidus if you wanted to know. If you play ps4 you can just add me with my username TyTDestruction. I justvwanted to let you know. Love it tho.