tacktician chapter 16 . 7/6
If you ever want to try your hand at another reaction fanfic I would strongly suggest the DBS cast (basically all the standard characters plus Berus, Whis and Freeza) watching DBZA
I’ve seen only one other person really try to tackle it and they stopped after the third episode.
xXKentonHatakeXx chapter 12 . 5/14
I have a few ideas. I barely get to see any Hellsing X Highschool DXD Fanfics.
xXKentonHatakeXx chapter 7 . 5/14
Caboose is a good boi. Don't make him one of those jerks.
xXKentonHatakeXx chapter 3 . 5/14


That got me.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/9
ZonZus chapter 16 . 4/11
You should do Sao Abridged next.
Firestar001 chapter 5 . 1/28
Wait with the ‘killed it’ thing... it actually DID happen in both universes!
Firestar001 chapter 3 . 1/28
The song that plays when Police girl is killing the guards is “Dragulayes that’s how it’s spelled)
Guest chapter 10 . 1/1
You divulged into trash.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/1
Why'd you make Jaune, not Alucard Jaune as I love that guy, so hate-able, like I'll willing go to jail for beating the little sh'tstain.
D'nnome chapter 10 . 11/23/2019
I think you should do DBZA
guest chapter 2 . 11/5/2019
the moment i saw blond alucard i was wierded out
then the "jaune ?!" caught me off guard
and the " actually he goes by alucard " made me drop
you cant just insult the crimson f*ker like that , being jaune is a disgrace to the count , a major turn off
xXKentonHatakeXx chapter 16 . 10/28/2019
Beautiful piece of work.
FlashDevil chapter 16 . 10/13/2019
Where is the story? I don’t see it.
darkpit65 chapter 14 . 10/9/2019
God of highscool ? Well I hope they’re prepared for the op trio :
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