Reviews for A Parent's Heart Bared
EmonyDeborah chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
This is AMAZING. I love how you wrote Bob and Helen's marriage, you didn't ignore their problems but didn't have them on the edge of divorce, either, which is great. And Helen's anxieties were spot-on, it would have been easy to under- or over-do them but you got the sweet spot, good job!
And you were so casual about their powers, which is perfect because they would just be run of the mill stuff for Helen.
I really enjoyed this :)
yourmomsahoe chapter 1 . 10/27/2018
This made me so emotional. I really like this story and your an amazing writer!
BonJeanne chapter 1 . 10/26/2018
This was adorable! I like how you played out the emotions of Helen with the unplanned pregnancy
Miss Pookamonga chapter 1 . 10/26/2018
I was so excited when I got this notification, and once again you haven't disappointed! I love your almost effortless ability to get into Helen's mind and really describe in detail how she's feeling as she's feeling it. I loved her inner conflict with learning about the pregnancy - I never really thought about how much stress the prospect of a third potentially super child would have on her, but it definitely makes sense. I like that you added in tidbits of the prejudice they experienced when they were exposed and Helen's worry over the impact it would have on the kids as it had been on Violet at the time - it really fleshed out the level of fear she was experiencing for the future and raised the stakes considerably. I also love how gentle and supportive Bob was during Helen's breakdown and conversely how he completely fell apart when Helen went into labor. And the way you wrote Vi and Dash's reactions to the situation was perfectly in character for each of them. I LOVE the origin of Jack-Jack's name (of course Bob would want to sneak in his place of conception xD) and I really love the sweet sentimental scenes of Helen relishing the photo and particularly the scene of her snuggling the kids. There's so much I want to praise about this fic that I can't remember, but overall it's another amazing piece of work from you!