Reviews for Like Magic
Cococauldroncakes chapter 1 . 4/18
This is so brilliant. I love their banter. I want a whole multi-chapter about them
Bottlebrush chapter 1 . 11/3/2018
I love this characterisation of Sirius, it fits him perfectly. And a non-magic AU with little references to the Hogwarts Express and the Marauders - as if the magic world exists in parallel and they are catching tiny echoes of it - very cleverly done. Good story.
trooon chapter 1 . 11/2/2018
I love it! Is there a chapter 2? I can't find it
Guest chapter 1 . 10/23/2018
This was brilliant. I liked how you explained demisexual and worked it into the story as well as the pitfalls of modern dating for someone who is. I admit I was a little wary from the summary over how it would be handled as someone who identifies as demi myself but this was very nicely done. Thank you.
nikkiRiddle chapter 1 . 10/24/2018
Your fic was highly enjoyable and absolutely wonderful. I will mention here that fanfiction has been my main form of exposure to different sexualities (excluding a few bi friends) and this was the first time I heard of demisexual people. But I'm glad I did so thankyou for being the cause of my research.