Reviews for A Kitsune in the dungeon
Josh chapter 16 . 7/24
I really like this story continues the good work
Singing Dove chapter 11 . 7/5
I like it so far.

Nice mini story about the goddess at the end
Dasgun chapter 16 . 5/2
AcidESP chapter 16 . 4/6
It is a good story, I hope you continue one day, a greeting, see you bye!
webzayne717 chapter 1 . 2/6
So it's just a Danmachi AU with naruto characters for some reason? The story starts off with the characters already established which doesn't make sense and leaves no room for character development. The fics a mess with no real point, it's just slotted out to be a generic harem power fantasy fic.
e.b woodhouse chapter 1 . 2/6
this seems os crsy i don't know t ll w$$ht is going on becu$se i h$vent en he$rd of Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigat$te Iru Darou ka b4$$$ but love n%uroto &nd fin&l destin*tion *nd i thought this would be like th$t but it isn';t #t #ll like th%t so i still liked it though bret job
Louis XII chapter 1 . 2/3
as I feared with this focus on Naruto and his harem, far too Naruto-centric, Bell just as Danmachi cast are ignored as are the potential repercussions/interactions that Naruto could have with them!

really unfortunate that the harem is the main priority just another generic Naruto harem fic.
EventNyan chapter 16 . 1/15
Thanks you!
Guest chapter 16 . 1/6
Nice, who was that guy who talked to Bell about Churches?
Luciendar chapter 1 . 1/7
I like the story itself, but it isn't for me. I just get tired of all the Naruto cast sometimes.
AuthorsNotNote chapter 1 . 1/5
Meh, another generic Naruto Crossover. Not even a good one with just having the characters in the Danmachi world without actually being interesting.
Lt Juan Rico chapter 16 . 1/6
Another brilliant chapter, I always enjoy reading your updates. Looking forward to future ones
PhoenixDragon90 chapter 1 . 1/6
I like this set up.
Never thought of this but it’s a good way to do crossovers with other series.
Keep Up The Good Work!
Thanks For The Meal.
Till Next Time!
Wos de la salada chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
No entiendo nada pero muy buena fic xd
Mistletainn chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
Hmm... hopefully Kurama is in. I know she's not the kyuubi, but from what had been shown, she definitely hit the "Ara ara" button.
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