Reviews for The Haunting of Netherfield
era-romance chapter 33 . 3/18
great story. if u decide not to do the sequel I hope u do a one-shot where netherfield 'dies' in an embarrassing or at least hilarious being eaten by termites or some such
era-romance chapter 1 . 3/18
wow. creepy. wonder if u ever watched ghost hunt the animeif not, do. I think you'd really like it
era-romance chapter 1 . 3/18
excellent use of the word gestalt. I actually had to look that one upa rare occurence, I assure you
Colleen S chapter 33 . 1/15
It found be fun to see, A continuing saga of a fight with a ghostly Lady Catherine, bothering Darcy/Bennet clan till Modern Times, till one feisty descendant and an annoying third cousin she had met during her England Holiday, finally found an arcane book that taught them how to disperse the evil-doers! Or did it?!
Colleen S chapter 28 . 1/14
I wonder if burning that house down could scatter the entities, till they would (most of them, anyway) were rendered ineffectual!?
Colleen S chapter 25 . 1/14
So exciting!
Colleen S chapter 20 . 1/14
Unbelievable! Incredible story!
Colleen S chapter 9 . 1/14
Brilliant! Should BE Published! If possible of course!
Colleen S chapter 2 . 1/14
Such an exciting story!
Colleen S chapter 33 . 11/7/2019
Oh boy what fun a second story (sequel) would be! Such clever writing! Wonder what would happen to the collective if the house (Netherfield) was to burn to the ground?!
Colleen S chapter 29 . 11/7/2019
Well I was thinking you should publish but you have cool cover design! I have an awful habit of jumping ahead in a story then going back to the beginning of I really love it! Kind of like watching a foreign movie! They start in the middle, go to the beginning then zigzag around till they go to the end! Great story though!
Colleen S chapter 28 . 11/7/2019
What an exciting story! Please publish if you are able! This would be a great book to have in book form besides Kindle!
maddyv chapter 33 . 11/6/2019
Thank you for finishing. Have been totally creeped out by this story. And enjoyed all of it.

A modern sequel perhaps? Please...?
maddyv chapter 10 . 11/6/2019
So I don’t often post when half way through a story. Usually I am too keen to push on. And indeed I am keen. But omg I loved this chapter. Loved the e/d banter and how she completely befuddled him. Without even telling any lies or making up anything. Was so clever. Well done.
Thank you for this story. So well written. Loving it. And totally creeped out. All in one go.
pigtails913 chapter 33 . 11/2/2019
I didn't read this last year for whatever reason, so I just marathoned from Chapter 9 onward (I'm a weenie and read in the comments until I thought I could handle the tale). It was great! I do wonder why Lady Catherine would think either of the Darcy's would care about Rosings, though. Wouldn't it be more of a slap in the face for her if they were like "Thank goodness we don't have to deal with it!"?
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