Reviews for The Butcher Bird (One Piece SI)
LNI chapter 19 . 7/14
I never would've expected such a well written story before I dug in. I love how you fleshed out so many things, I grew to like or dislike this or that character from the tidbits we get from their perspective and the whole concept is original to the core. Still waiting to see how can a ghoul grow in power in a world such as one piece, and the C character is nice for now albeit a little confusing to me at this point. Lucky me there's plenty to go through. The lack of comments really is an injustice here, Good luck to you
Scaunders chapter 94 . 7/2
Nice little addition to the story. Very fitting too since i wouldn't be surprise if the canon WG wanted to use his skill.
Guest chapter 93 . 6/23
I'd just like to start off saying the lack of reviews on your stories is criminal. I can only hope the response elsewhere has been warmer.

I took a gamble on this fic. I don't read much One Piece fiction, less crossovers, and the most I know of Tokyo Ghoul is red eyes and violence. But I was just bored enough, the summary just intriguing enough, the few reviews just positive enough to throw caution to the wind and give it a go.

The narrative dissonance in the first chapter kept me reading. Different fonts, difference perspectives, different times. Interesting enough I wanted to see where it went. Then you went and name dropped the King of Swords and I knew I was in for the duration.

Your worldbuilding and characterizations are fantastic. Things fit in with the chosen universe, a testament to just how insane One Piece is and can be, but there's also just that little hint of the alien that gives the whole thing a sense of unease. The work, like the Nightmares themselves, is unsettling on introspection. The Strawhats are off making merry and friendship punching the world, while our good, protagonist monsters encounter horrors dragged screaming from a half dozen dissonant narratives and bound together in chains. The Wheel of Kill Six Billion Demons a broken chain of islands, the Adeptus Mechanicus sailing with pirates, the Reavers pulled across time and space and with no blue hands to hide their truth a wall will have to do, a few pantheons worth of gods planning their own deaths in the name of progress. Plans in plans, wheels turning in wheels, and you've managed to surprise me more than once.

I sincerely hope the lacking feedback here doesn't discourage you. I've grown attached to this braying, individualistic madness you've called a crew, and I want to see where their story ends.

A Friend of a Friend
vmage2 chapter 93 . 6/19
I like how human and fleshed out the crew is.
name chapter 1 . 6/11
only read the first chapter so far. i dont know much about tokyo ghoul but ill bet itll get explained later, through context clues if nothing else.
i like it so far and especially the 90 chapter part. in the description you mentioned ‘canon expansion’ and i hope there will be canon and cannon expansion, cause giant cannons would be cool.
TianYi chapter 91 . 6/3
Holy shit, thats dragon whitebeard againts the marines... I hope the Nightmares join them and kicked their asses this time after so many loses. You write something amazing here friend, thanks a lot for wrting this!
TianYi chapter 60 . 6/3
holy shiiii
TianYi chapter 43 . 6/2
Why not just start by learning Haki?
Greer123 chapter 91 . 5/29
I hope that the Nightmare pirates fight along side Whitebeard in the coming war.
Vendre chapter 1 . 5/5
Is that actually Kaneki or just a random dude
Eraser279 chapter 89 . 5/2
It's simply tragic that so many stories like this one aren't being read by more people. I personally enjoy the fics that say: "That's a good sandbox you built there original author, I'm going to take it and make my own story with my own characters." Keep up the great work.
RandomPasserby96 chapter 24 . 5/3
lol the guy can pull stuff and he look like he have needles in his face? pain is that you?
Mister LaGuardia chapter 89 . 5/1
I just discovered this story a few days ago, and it's a testament to your strength as a writer that despite distinctly NOT being a fan of Tokyo Ghoul this story is one of my favorite One Piece fics. I love the exploration of the darker aspects of this particular universe, as well as the continuous refrences, from This Bites! to Hellsing. While there are parts that confuse me, like the relationship with Six (is it supposed to be a slow-burn slash or platonic?), overall I love this story. I really want to see the Butcher Bird meet Nico Robin; I feel they'd get along like a house on fire and she might steal some of his moves, combat and otherwise.
demon.lvr chapter 87 . 4/15
Cool! I like how you decided to incorporate the ghoul species into One Piece. Villain protagonists, or just morally unstable protagonists are really fun to read.

I'd like to note that I sometimes have trouble figuring out whose pov you're using though, which can be confusing. Also would you please list the songs you're using somewhere? I've been trying to look them up to see how they sound, but some I couldn't find.

C is adorable in a really disturbing kind of way, kinda naive and bloodthirsty simultaneously. :)
shadowcraft.isawesome chapter 63 . 3/9
Can someone help me with what the Morse code says?
The translator just came back with gibberish
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