Reviews for Hiraeth
Browniesarethebest chapter 1 . 12/17/2018
God I felt this. I love your stories where you portray your characters with anxiety or depression because you do it so WELL. I sympathize so hard because I understand and it feels so great and so sad to read this and be able to see it portrayed in a character. Thank you for writing this.
Melle22 chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
hiraeth: i think this is the perfect word to describe my worst bouts of depression, thanks for introducing it to me. This was sad and heartbreaking. I oftentimes thought Sam would be the depressed type from the first season - beyond his grief over Jess. That Jared suffers from it seems so very unfair. Remember how happy and laughing he was on outtakes and blooper reels. He still is sometimes, but also sometime between the laughter you can see in his eyes where he momentarily pauses, like depression is reminding him its still there and waiting for him...

great fic, horrid topic, love the big brother love right at the end.
Black Fungus chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
Damn. "fix him" That was way Cass.
Elya Rho chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
I started reading this story before work when I didn’t have time to finish it. As a result, I spent literally *all day* wanting to get back to it! Worth the wait!
I particularly liked the style of the opening where things said in the past were italicized between paragraphs in the present - very effective.
Nice work!
kandilyn chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
Amazing. So real. Things you actually think and believe. Thank you.
VegasGranny chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
I love this story so much. Everyone was totally in character and the situation was so clear. I was cheering Dean when he "explained" to Cas what to think about, then told him to "make a very careful decision". That was awesome. And Bobby was amazing helping Sam! A fantastic story :)