Reviews for This Our Town of Halloween
Anukis-san chapter 15 . 11/24/2019
"Tome Keeper" omg I love it!
Anukis-san chapter 13 . 11/24/2019
I really enjoyed this chapter! The details are awesome! And poor unsuspecting Yugi, I can't wait to see what happens next!
Anukis-san chapter 6 . 11/24/2019
This story is so well written! I wonder who got poor Ryou! Your descriptions of the characters and this world are awesome!
Letainajup chapter 22 . 4/20/2019
*applauds happily* wonderful! so wonderful! I am so happy for this ending and that you were able to finish this amazing story too! Seriously it has been such a fave of mine and I just luv the halloween theme to it and how everything turned out for everyone! :D Just how you described their monster forms was just AWESOME! I luv how Marik got the medusa hair and snake tongue (it did make me think of beetlejuice too)! Yugi and his adorable bat like appearance, he will always be cute and goth now! lol and that when he got scared and he accidentally jumped on Atem was the best! lol Also with Ishizu and how she got the cat/were wolf creature - they all defiantly seem to fit them all! And of course Ryou and being the nite light creature was so creative and perfect for him! Now he is a plushie unicorn and does what Bakura does but at the same time can give them nice dreams! You are right they were light ad dark and now together! *squeals* Oh and Marik finally letting Ishizu know that they will be strangers from now on and not brother and sister...i feel that this is more realistic ending for them, that even though I was like awww that is sad, it just seemed to work best for them! Plus when it spoke of Karim being interested in Ishizu, and then rumors that she was wearing a mage robe in training! Or that Marik is now living in his own place, and neighbors with Adrina! YAY luv the full circle of it, as he is probably getting read for Halloween lighting his pumpkins as Jack-o-lanterns (maybe)? That Yugi at first was working at Kisara's Inn, and Atem was the one to coax him back to the palace with him *so sweet* and of course Ryou and Bakura being together and happy just got me smiling so much! If there is an epilogue, omg I jumped for joy with the adoptive kids being from VRAINS! - I have not seen this one, but I seen the characters and Ryoken does seem like he fit with Ryou and Bakura and Yusaku and Aoi for Yugi and Atem! XDXDXD Thank you a thousands times for this story, it was such a delight and dang I want to draw them now (I might need help cuz I am always fearful I will mess up the authors visions of characters, especially when they are monsters)!
Letainajup chapter 21 . 4/20/2019
*flails about* you know I am just a sucker for these tendershipping moments! XDXDXD and the way you write them (or any of the shippings are just marvelous)! When Bakura jokes with Ryou at first that he be perfect as a ghost or drowned rat, that was just too funny and precious! And then we he got serious and says he be an attractive bed bug...I was squealing! Though he is awesome just letting him know he be perfect no matter what forms the falls chooses for him! Also to know he has no family, and the last of his kind - Nooooooooooo the feels on that one! ;_; And Ryou being sweet as well comforting him, which results to this "semi-proposal"! lol it was beautiful and the answer in the kiss says it all! D Oooo and when that line came up, the one you posted on tumblr for the last WIP you written! I was even more happy, now that I know why it was said! YAY Then when they are all just hanging out in the library, playing this weird game you called "duel monsters" hahahaha jk jk! And just the atmosphere and everyone having a good time made me so happy! That these three finally found friends and place to feel like they do belong (without trying to be eaten at least)! ;p And as they headed to the falls and just that emotion or pain you described as he entered the falls, I was scared at first...but after when the pain was gone and it was like he felt scrubbed clean or refresh, that made me smile and excited to see what they are turned into! Oh I can not wait, last chapter and I know it will be wonderful! Thank you agin for all of this, and even the author's note I luv to read and dance to the music that help inspired these titles!
Letainajup chapter 20 . 4/20/2019
Hooray they decided to go with the change, and best it was a decision for themselves...well hopefully for Yugi too and not just going along cuz he doesn't want to be alone! *_* And Ryou, I can see why he doesn't want to look like his Father anymore, and the change could be anything and he will be happy with that...but it's also nice that Bakura lets him know he is pretty no matter what form! And when they talk to the King again, and Yugi is having all these feelings! lol poor dear! and when he kisses him, omg that was the best! I also luv how you explain these kiss scenes too, they are not normal cuz they are monsters but they are just as sweet! And Yugi is even more confused on his feelings and Atem is so patient! And they got to see again Jou, Honda, Anzu and Otogi as well! Plus they invited them too for the ceremony, and the dance Anzu did and how she was complimented about it was again super sweet! And when we needed with Yugi smiling and thinking about the rose Atem had given him...oh I hope he is able to figure out these feelings and see if that is what/who he wants! XD Thanks again for this amazing chapter! omg just two more to go!
Letainajup chapter 19 . 4/20/2019
YAY! I am back and hopefully can finish this wonderful story! XD The way you explained these giant pillars with the apartment inside is so cool! I am imagined those tiny homes or places that have to save on space and it is so cool to think of it with the book wyrms living there! Plus a great spicy scene indeed with yamalik and his crazy tongue! lol and it is interesting with the relationship between Marik and Ishizu...i can see them both being hard headed/stubborn and that is why they don't get along very well (or also could be something from their past too with each other)! But it is sad knowing Ishizu really likes Rishid, but he has no interest in her and she is more willing to change herself so hopefully he will (oh man that is the sad truth for some people out there)! But of course I got to love the part with Bakura trying to be all dark and scary and Ryou is like "could you not" and it just stops immediately! omg i was laughing so much! and Marik is like, oh I thought I recognize that smell...;p wonder chapter, I can't wait for them to go the Black Crystal Falls!
Letainajup chapter 18 . 4/13/2019
I dont know why I am now such a fan of Bed Bug Bakura?! Maybe the role just fits him so well? lol I just adore the interaction with him and Ryou, how he woke up and they were holding hands while Bakura was under it *squeals with joy* that is just the sweetest! And when Yugi comes in and I was snickering with Ryou's teases about him liking Marik or himself! lol But Ryou is smart and figures it is the King and poor Yugi is so confused! Probably doesn't help that Bakura scared him by pulling Ryou under the bed! Hahaha and Ryou is like "Really Bakura?" D Too cute! And now the magicians are letting them know they do have a way to get back to the surface world, and could change them into monsters if they desire?! That is a good option, each having their own reasons to do so...but I bet in the end they are the same and they will find out soon they are not crazy thinking that way! lol
Letainajup chapter 17 . 4/12/2019
This chapter, OMG! I was squealing for Yugi all the way through it! It was super sweet and cute, and I luv how the King has his hilarious puns and jokes! ;p lol Plus their discussion with the flowers was cute too, how the lilies remind the King of his Mother and Yugi likes the roses cuz they are the punks of the flower garden - so clever! And the little things, like the King getting scared when Yugi surprised him, or Yugi getting embarrassed and crab walking backwards to get away! hahah I like Atem's look as a monster, and being a sandman plus having the third eye (so cool)! It's super sweet moment between these two, omg that part where Yugi tries to run away and Atem easy catches up to him and says "The more you run away, the more I want to chase you!" XDXDXD Or when he puts the rose in Yugi's hand, holy molies poor Yugi will be so conflicted and confused now! Another wonderful chapter, and I luv your notes at the end of each one! Thank you!
Letainajup chapter 16 . 4/12/2019
Oooo now it's Marik's POV and so happy he finally found a chance to relax and get some well deserved sleep and a shower! When he and Yamalik (that name is great btw) meet for the first time, I am giggling to myself! He is staring at him so openly, and just lets him know straight up he is hot and he is a good kisser! lol And it is awesome that Shizuka is here too as a faceless crown with a crack mask where her eyes are! And OMG Ishizu makes her grand entrance, and sad to say it is not a happy reunion! But that is why I like about this story, it is still fun and happy, but there are some dark and sad moments these boys are going through and it is wonderful that of all places to make them happy it is this Halloween town! XD Hopefully Marik and Ishizu can work things out, if not it seems him and Yamalik with entertain each other perfectly! lol Oh can not wait to read more, thank you for these amazing chapters!
Letainajup chapter 15 . 4/12/2019
Mana wacking the fish over the head is just one of my fave parts to this chapter! lol and having to learn it looks like chompy from mario games - omg that is too awesome! Plus now I am just having to sing the Anastasia song (fun fact! Jim Cummings sings the song "In the Dark of the Night" and also "Be Prepared" from the Lion King - not the whole song but the ending part of it when he sings faster and also Ed's voice from the Hyenas)! XD Sorry that was random! OMG the garden sounds amazing, and it seems to have caught Yugi's interest! And we also get into the Library and meet Odion Rishid as a book wrym! I like your description of him too, sounds creepy and cool! And also he has an assistant that looks like Malik?! D Oooo and my favorite part now, when Ryou is having the bad dream and Bakura comes and is by his side *squeals* and Ryou tells him a bit about his dream and that he likes guys and Bakura kisses him! XDXDXD The whole scene was awesome, and just imagining it with Bakura's mandibles and teeth and many arms and it was just wonderful! Then he sedates Ryou and they follow it with "Please let the Bed Bugs bite" *spazms* I luv it, and you can go as fast as you want cuz it is friggin adorable and Tender/Bronze/Puzzle Ship me up! lol
Letainajup chapter 14 . 4/12/2019
*screams for joy* I am finally able to read a chapter and hopefully the erst of this amazing story today! Ahhhh I luv how you describe the characters or the scenery, it fits so well with living in "Halloween" Hollow World! How Malik asks about why the King looks like a mummy/Egyptian Pharaoh, and I luv his response that where do you think they got the idea from?! ;p That Yugi is getting these mixed feeling when the King is looking at him, or the human that came earlier might be...Oooo I think I know! XD I also like who the 6 magicians were; and you did a great job with Shada and how he spoke - I understood everything! So exited to see how they like it in the palace, and when Malik is going to meet Marik!
crown172 chapter 22 . 4/9/2019
A huge round of applause for this wonderful story! It looks like Yugi, Ryou, and Marik decided to stay in the Hollow World forever! And not only that, they were able to find people who love them and friends who care a lot for them! I'm definitely happy for them! Thank you for making this awesome story!
ayelen rock chapter 22 . 4/9/2019
It would be great if you make an Epilogue
Guest chapter 22 . 4/8/2019
Thank you for the amazing and satisfying ending to a fun and unique story. I still feel sorry for Ishizu for her crush to just ban her from the one place she belonged, though I'm glad that Karim is willing to help her find a new path. I also think that Marik and Ishizu cutting connect with each other was probably for the best. Hope you have a nice day.
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