Reviews for Behind Blue Eyes
whispersandscribbles chapter 18 . 2/27
I hate you! No, I don't, but I have to get some sleep and you left this story in a shocking place. I know the rest of it is out there, but again, I have to sleep.

I do admit, I thought someone might be looking for him after all these years. I wonder what losing their child did to the Ambrose family? And will they try to get custody? Mox isn't the same child he was when he was taken and the Reigns love him. It's not going to be easy at all, is it?

Wonderful story and I am looking forward to the rest of the series.

I hope your arm is doing better.
whispersandscribbles chapter 17 . 2/27
The way you ended the last chapter and then the way you started this one, I knew I was in for a nail biter and you did not disappoint me at all.

It all starts out so innocent, Mox going for a run thinking about the show that night. I just knew going in the woods to run was a bad idea, I knew something was going to happen.

I was afraid you'd leave this on a cliffhanger, but thankfully, you didn't. Maybe I can read the last chapter right away, but the people who followed this as you were writing it would have been upset at having to wait.

Mox is okay, and the best thing is he saved himself.
whispersandscribbles chapter 16 . 2/27
I loved the beginning of this chapter. Mox's injury and then the organic way the storyline between himself and Roman grew. It was a perfect storyline for both of them. Roman wanting to do this just to make Mox happy, well, he might be telling himself that but I think he's enjoying it too.

But the ending, well, that made my blood run cold. I can't believe it.
whispersandscribbles chapter 15 . 2/5
A fantastic chapter where you both advanced the plot while also giving us insight into how much Mox is thriving under the care of the Reigns family. His ability to joke with Roman and have Roman joke back is something that would seem so normal to others, but I'm sure were difficult for Mox.

We're seeing Mox stretch his wings. He's found his place, the wrestling ring and he is a natural. Not just for himself, he can coax the best out of others too, like Roman. Roman isn't a natural like Mox. Roman might have the looks and the athletic chops but he doesn't come alive when the camera is on him, unlike Mox.
whispersandscribbles chapter 14 . 1/29
I remember when all Christmas shopping was done by going to the mall. I always found it to be a lot more exhausting than fun, but I never realized how overwhelming it could be until I read this chapter. I feel almost foolish for not seeing how Mox would react to a mall. Of course a mall in general would be upsetting in normal times, but at Christmas it would be overkill.

But the Reigns boys take it all in stride. They get him somewhere where he can think and give him some sugar for the shock. Mox has a great support system with his family.

I hope you're taking good care of your arm.
whispersandscribbles chapter 13 . 1/28
I love this chapter. I know that I say that about so many of your chapters, but it's the truth. Every one I find something interesting to love about it.

I loved the talk Mox and Lance had. Lance needs someone he can go to about his own mortality. Going to the rest of his family would be difficult for them and he doesn't want to cause them any pain. He knows the cancer wasn't his fault, but fault or not, he knows he caused his loved ones pain and he doesn't want to do that. I think Mox doesn't really want to hear him talk about death either, but he'll pretend it doesn't upset him, because he knows Lance needs it.

Again, lovely chapter.

I'm sorry about your arm and hand. Please though, don't give up writing. You have talent for this. I don't know what happened but I'm trying to convince myself that your hand and arm are bringing you down and that's why you're discouraged. I can understand, but you arm will heal.
whispersandscribbles chapter 12 . 1/23
I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. It's been over a year, but I know those things take a long time to recover from.

Don't be sorry for a long chapter, it's a good chapter. We got to see a lot of different sides to Mox. How much Mox is learning to love his family, how Mox handles strangers who are also family. How he sees Marc, someone who is a bit distant to him from the rest of the family, because he has a place of his own.

I knew Lance would be an atheist. He presents himself as a person who doesn't care about faith, who only believes in what he can see, what he can feel, taste, hear, and smell. He isn't going to buy faith. Where as Roman can have faith, Roman can believe what cannot be explained with science. I don't think Lance will ever find religion to his liking.

Excellent chapter. I do enjoy hearing Mox talk about his wrestling character.
whispersandscribbles chapter 11 . 1/23
I want to write a long review, but this chapter smacked me right in the gut. Mox's flashback to those horrible people, in contrast to Jen and Sefa who were so kind and being such good parents to him. Mox is so lucky he fell into the Reign's family, it's just what he needs.
whispersandscribbles chapter 10 . 1/23
Things really do pile up on you, don't they? When you published this, you were having problems at home and now your arm is broken. What else?

I liked this chapter. Mox getting along with his physical therapist was a great way to show that he's getting used to a world with other people. He still doesn't like to be touched by strangers, but he is learning to like being touched by the family. Learning to enjoy affection in his family life.

Jen making that cake for him. It is clear that meant so much to him and I think Jen knew it would when she made it. Because Mox has had so little, he appreciates so much, like wearing sneakers nobody else has worn or having someone make a cake for him.

Now that Mox thought of it, why don't they make toothpaste smelling air freshener? It would make sense. You would think at least at Christmas time they would have peppermint smelling air freshener. But all I seem to see is pine or pumpkin spice.

I like that Mox wishes the days were longer, because we know this is new for him too. He is enjoying life and I think the family is happy to see him doing so.
whispersandscribbles chapter 9 . 1/18
In his own way, Mox is a sweet kid. Even after what happened to him, he could still feel nervous and betrayed by the Reigns keeping it all from him, but instead he goes into it. He even tries to make the social worker think that any flaws he has have nothing to do with the Reigns, like swearing.

Roman is a great brother, not just to Lance but to Mox too. I really hope the Reigns can adopt him. He needs the family so bad and I think they'll find they need him as well, if not now, perhaps later.

I really want to go on a massive reading spree and read every chapter in this story and all the others. I won't though, because I know how much you appreciate reviews. Just don't thank me if your hand is still hurting.
whispersandscribbles chapter 8 . 1/18
Well, we found one of Mox's big triggers, and it's feeling as if he's being kept in the dark. That isn't too surprising, considering he literally lived in the dark of a basement, even darkness of the mind is going to frighten him.

I love that Jen sees the best in him. That she's able to see what others find strange and antisocial are signs that Jon is adjusting to the world at large and still learning. And that she can see the good in Jon, that there is a kindness to him.
whispersandscribbles chapter 7 . 1/18
Your writing continues to surprise and even delight me. You're tackling some very grim subject material here, but you do it with an honesty I find refreshing.

I was wondering how well you would balance out Mox's ignorance of some aspects of life while knowing too much in others. You're doing a good job of it. Mox's experience with a diner, the shiny books with no pages, that was good. Mox is in so many ways an innocent, despite his life.

Sefa and Jen are wonderful, Jen wants to smother him with love, I can tell. And Sefa will keep him straight. Describing salad dressing as "Sauce" was perfect. At first I thought never having had a salad before was unbelievable, but pondering on it, I can see where folks like Richard wouldn't be interested in eating a balanced diet. They weren't worried about Mox's nutritional needs, instead they were starving him to keep him looking younger.

I hope your hand is feeling better. I saw you started another story, so I'll take that as a good sign. But, while I do appreciate that you respond to thank me for every review, I understand that until your hand heals, that you should save whatever writing strength you have for actual writing.

whispersandscribbles chapter 6 . 1/13
It's sweet seeing how Mox is slowly reacting to normal life. He's trying to fit in, but all the things the family takes for normal are wonderful to him. Jen probably puts pain med and water out for all her sick children and they barely notice it. But Mox does, because anyone being nice to Mox is something he's not used to.

Cinnamon rolls are one of my favorite foods and I'm amazed at how well you had me see them through Mox's eyes, something brand new and so wonderful that he is almost beside himself on how to react to them. Now I know what I am making for tomorrow morning's breakfast.

I knew the doctor's office wouldn't be easy for him. Sefa knew it too, and did a great job of trying to put Mox's mind at ease. Mox is going to have to understand that medical professionals are intrusive, but he's going to make sure Mox understands that he owns his body again. Something that they might have to tell him a lot before he'll understand. I know this story is written, but I pray you're not going to have someone take advantage of him because Mox won't be able to remember he is in charge of his own body. He doesn't need that.

The flirting girl, hair the color of bacon fat? You can tell Mox is much more stimulated by the thought of good food than sex. Of course he is, he's had more sex than most adults but he's been food deprived for awhile. But, I don't think I will ever be able to see a bottled blond without pondering if her hair is the color of bacon fat.

This story continues to impress me.
whispersandscribbles chapter 5 . 1/12
There is so much to unpack in this chapter. We got to hear a bit of Roman's viewpoint on all of this and I understand. It is so easy for the family to see a hurt young man and want to help, but now they are putting it all together that they're taking in a victim of sexual abuse and all the emotional details that entails. Roman has observed what those things can do to someone and it can make them lash out.

We saw from how Roman was with Lance, that he's devoted to his little brother. I wonder if it's the age difference as well as the illness in Lance's young life? He's so gentle with him, making sure his parents won't know he is reading when he should be sleeping and even hiding the flashlight so Lance can do it another time. I'll bet Roman will warn him the next day that it's okay for him to stay up late reading on a Saturday night, but not a school night.

The conversation Roman and Mox have at the end of the chapter is chilling. Mox being emotionless and Roman not wanting to think about what happens to these children when being a child makes them worthless to the ones who kidnapped them.

You are very good at putting your readers through emotional roller coasters.
whispersandscribbles chapter 4 . 1/12
Oh! The emotions in this chapter. We start with Mox trying to figure out what's happening, finding out about the weirdness of cats. And then the pleasure of a simple thing like being allowed to eat good food and to eat until he's full, something we know he hasn't been able to do for a long time. I think after that meal he felt a bit like all of us feel after a good turkey and all the trimmin's dinner.

Then the fear because it doesn't matter how much Sefa and Roman and even Ben explain, all the life he remembers he has lived believing he was a human bomb. No wonder he cried! His whole life as terrible as it was, came crushing down around him.
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