Reviews for Legacy of Kain: Hellsing
Guest chapter 1 . 12/2/2018
Kain is far beyond and more powerful than Alucard that serves blighted humans Van Helsings.
HaretaSora chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
Very nice first chapter! I like the alley scene and the flow of things, it all feels very smooth and fluid.

I like the talk with Severin, curious who the 'they' are when mentioning Severin was lucky that they werent there to see

The scene of with the Ghouls and Priest was interesting, I like Abel's refusal to endanger Seras as well as how enraged he was at Alucard for killing her and wanting to protect her from the curse of a vampire.

All in all great start to your fic! Good luck my friend! :D