Reviews for In Between the Sheets (Diakko)
angry smile shir chapter 1 . 8/23
lmao i lowkey want MORE
Chocolate chapter 1 . 6/29
Loved this. Reminds me of my own relationship with my partner :) really enjoyed it.
michele bishop chapter 1 . 2/9
i enjoyed it very much Kay. I am not sure how
old you are but you did a fine job on the sexy parts. The good thing about being a writer is that many people do it , so you can read others and pick up and learn from others.
I love these two together and I havent even seen the anime yet. thanks so much for your hard work and sharing this with me. I am very grateful. keep up the good work ;)

Best wishes to you
Jasmine chapter 1 . 1/4
I love this!
Okisawa Hinari chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
Whatever is this, I love it so much!
kotomi101 chapter 1 . 11/7/2018
I will forever be hung up on this. Bravo chapter 1 . 10/5/2018
my god.
i guess have an M rating stories of DianAkko pairs are normal these days, but this one is well written.
Horseshoefijzer chapter 1 . 10/4/2018
Oh god you made me tear up a little, I didn’t think I’d tear up while reading two girls have sex, but here we are- I’m reading two girls/women having sex and I’m tearing up. As far as I can remember no fic has done this to me before, I hope you take pride in this. Wow those last lines got me, honestly i found it pretty funny at the start, but now I’m here writing this review and I feel content and...just...I hope you know my expectations have been raised! You did this to yourself!