Reviews for I Can't Hear You
ElValTal chapter 10 . 6/17
Really enjoying your story. Very well done! Hope things go well at work (from home!). Take care of yourself and congrats on the weight loss!
sKyoKun chapter 10 . 5/16
Always nice to see a new chapter, even if they're not frequent. Glad to know you're well even if you're going crazy in lockdown (I know what you mean...)
Castle calling gates is not really a surprise and hopefully she'll be able to help. I'm sad about the different relationships though :(
GT500RonSmith chapter 10 . 5/16
Having trust issues with his beloved team, he comes to their captain for help. From what I've just read, he'll most certainly get the support he needs from this lady.

Assuming she'll remember whatever it is she asks of him.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/12

So happy you are back

Guest chapter 10 . 5/12
Welcome back
Glad to see you are well

Will always wait for your words

Caskett always
Caskett and family always
SharonS chapter 10 . 5/12
Thanks for picking up the story.
Muscovy chapter 10 . 5/14
Enjoying this story, thanks for posting.
TORONTOSUN chapter 10 . 5/13
I am doing okay. Cabin Fever is not nice. Welcome back.
sasans chapter 10 . 5/12
I decided to read the update. I needd to refresh my memory a bit but that was fine. I was pretty sure Castle's decision would be to contact Gates. Ryan's info was also pretty interesting. I look forward to reading more when you can find the time. Best wishes.
life's a mystery chapter 10 . 5/12
great update :)
bponder chapter 10 . 5/12
Hey, I found the 20% "less of you" during this quarantine! I will always wait for your writing, it is of such quality it is always worth the wait. You say "a couple chapters" - that frequently becomes so many more. I am just happy that you are still writing for the Castle universe - so many of the fine writers that used to contribute do not anymore. You write, I read with joyful appreciation.
SnowKing1701 chapter 10 . 5/12
Great chapter. Keep up the excellent work. Take care.
Macwoo chapter 10 . 5/12
Your stories are always captivating that I want to reread the previous chapter so I don’t miss anything. Thanks for the new chapter, it was a highlight this week as we all have little change to our daily routines.
craspon chapter 10 . 5/12
Sorry to hear about your difficulties in finishing this story, but I'm grateful that you're planning to do so. This has been a fascinating one, filled with surprises amid uncomfortable revelations between Beckett and Castle (and Ryan and Esposito). Cole is quite an intriguing villain, although it appears there may be more to his breakdown than we first thought. Too bad you can't engineer a confrontation between Cole and Jerry Tyson; imagine that showdown of psychopaths!
mx12 chapter 10 . 5/12
Good to know that you are back! looove it, keep it coming please!
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