Reviews for Say His Name
dillie60 chapter 30 . 8/28
With all that is going on currently in Kenosha I just want to check on you sis. This story is relevant and sadly still happens and I am sure that it must take a lot out of you writing it. You are in my prayers and I pray peace, light and justice for us all. Hang in there #eyesopen #KeepRichonneAlive
Guest chapter 30 . 8/22
I'm in pins and needles to see how they're gonna get out and who they're gonna take out. As usual you've put us through the ringer emotionally. Seeing what Michonne went through but what Rick was going through as well. I was sweating with him at that gate! Geez! Patiently awaiting the next chapter.
Nattiprrs chapter 30 . 8/24
Two fantastic chapters was on the edge of my seat. Loved the Michonne didn't back down or cower to these racist fools. So glad they didn't get to cut her hair, wow that scene how wrote the hell out of that. That image of them holding her down like that hurt, but she's tough. Hugh certainly doesn't play, neither does Rick, but in a different way. Glad Daryl finally stepped up, Negan is the absolute worst, that room of his so disgusting, poor girls these guys must be stopped. So happy they found her and that she was able to put her bad thoughts of Rick behind her, at least for now. Whew so much happened now they have to make it out, hopefully with all the other ladies. Wonder how Mich will react to Hugh. Brilliant writing thank you so much
MJRL chapter 30 . 8/20
Great two chapters. I really love this story. I believe that Michonne should have a real talk with Rick about keeping things for her. I really hope they can help the girls and everyone pays for what they have done.
Bwy5 chapter 30 . 8/20
How I just love feisty Michonne. I actually burst out laughing when she told the girls to fight, scratch and bite. Thank God I was right about Daryl even though I was starting to doubt. My heart literally plummeted when Michonne cursed out Rick and doubted his love lumping him with all the others. Rick will need to do some explaining. I’m on tenterhooks now. How are they going to get out of the house full of all those vips. And the girls, how will they rescue them. More please. This sis so good
Bwy5 chapter 29 . 8/20
I didn’t think I could hate Negan more than I did but I do. He is just evil. Michonne is a queen. I love that she is not taking this docilely. I still want to believe that Daryl infiltrated to expose the group but it’s not looking that way. Negan is going to regret not heeding Merle’s advice to not take Michonne. Rick will give no quarter. So Dale’s inside man was Jadis. Interesting...sorry but no sympathy for her demise. Still remembering her on canon, lol.
Just when I was beginning to warm towards Hugh he reminds me of what an asshole he is. His only saving grace is that he taught Michonne her survival skills. So the governor is one of those sick people buying other human beings. Please let him die at the hand of Hugh. He needs to die but I don’t want Rick to get into trouble.

I just love the way you write: the phraseology is poetry. These paragraphs in particular are so emotive:-
“Not the cruiser. Not the government car that read "to protect and serve". Rick was only there to protect Michonne. The only thing he was there to serve was holy hell upon her kidnappers.”

“A black man can't choose the high road forever. Sooner or later he's going to have to stoop down to a level he loathes in order to rise higher or he's just the walking dead."

I so love this story. I know, I’m beginning to sound like a scratched record...and I just showed my age by that analogy. Nuff said. I could write a thesis on this story it’s so captivating.
Guest chapter 30 . 8/18
Yeah they found her
zeepsagirl chapter 30 . 8/20
Wow! The pace that you create with your writing is so intense and puts you right into the position of the character the details. Thank you cannot wait to see how Hugh is handled by Michonne the woman.
atm0000 chapter 30 . 8/19
Thank God, Daryl Dixon is on the right side of things. I was so praying her was. My heart went out to him as he was pleading with her to stop beating him up. His numerous ‘Ms. August’ seemed so desperate to me. He so wanted her to trust him, though I completely understand why she didn’t at first,

So clearly Rick and crew have done some damage to make to that upstairs room. He has on the murder coat so I know it’s gone all the way down and it was all worth it for that reunion he and Michonne has. Gah! It was so beautiful.

Can’t wait to read more. Do Negan and Philip die? Do they get arrested and tried? Lordy knows, I’m wishing for the latter. At the very least and a slow and painful death?

Fantastic job as usual. You are too talented for words!
atm0000 chapter 29 . 8/19
Nattah, you just don’t know how you make my day with your updates. Then when you drop two at a time, you almost make me wanna shout! Lol.
Magnificent job here! I was in the edge of my seat most of this chapter.

Negan and his cronies are the worst kind of men. To think a version of this shyt actually happens in real life makes me want to vomit. God bless the women in the situations and especially the ones who have the strength to find back like Michonne. Though she can’t stand her father, Hugh got her ass right. As terrified as she must be, she’s not backing down and giving in. Hugh and Rick would be so proud.

Speaking of Hugh, that mane was made for this moment. Given how easily he slipped into a military/special ops role, it’s a wonder how he can even function in a normal society. I guess the answer to that is not well, since he’s alienated his wife and daughter over the years.

And damn it if Philip Blake didn’t decide to show his ass. He’s pure scum and it gave me such joy knowing Lori chose so phucking poorly. She’s such a dumb bitch. Ugh! I can’t wait to see how Rick and co catch and expose them all!
dillie60 chapter 30 . 8/19
Brilliant please continue this story.
dillie60 chapter 25 . 8/18
there are no words.
Cleo Griffith chapter 30 . 8/18
Rick in his fuking Murder Coat. That man means business. And those men will be paying for messing with his woman. I’m glad Jared is dead. I just wish he had suffer some. Don’t give a fuk about jadisanne. This Tyreese reminded me of how much of a pussy Tyreese was on the show. People trying to kill him and he don’t want to fight back . I hope Michonne gets the chance to beat the shit outta Pete. What a man beating on a woman who’s hands was tied. And I want Negan not in fuking jail but . The guvnor too.
grimes1970 chapter 30 . 8/18
michonne dad is crazy but i will tske his crazy to save save her ,negan us trash and I can't wait for Rick to deal with his are . I am so glad that michonne is fighting back and not left these prick Brea her or disrespects her so gladvricknand her dad is their now they can take the prick down and also glad michonne can see everything Rick is dojbf us to make her happy and bring some kind of peace to her lost ,Looking for the next update
dillie60 chapter 12 . 8/18
This fanfic is an extremely difficult read for me being woc of a certain age. It is however very real in its racist portrayal and language. Thank you for this eye opening look at Richonne.
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