Reviews for Mutual Pride
Guest chapter 27 . 7/14
I'm hoping you'll soon bless us with another chapter !
o-Marta-o chapter 26 . 6/6
So it's much worse then I feared. Darcy must make up for his mistakes and learn to be better for 20 chapters and continuously prove himself to Lizzy while she keeps treating him like sh*t, but her apology and 'making up' for her bad behavior is done in one and half sentence? not even a paragraph! and he interrupts the second sentence to take all the blame himself again, How mind-boggling.

Then she takes much longer to bring up how he didn't share info about Whickham with her and blaming him for the situation? AND he agrees? SHE already concluded that she had all the info she needed, she was just a selfish as*hole, but no, shift the blame anyway.
Afterall yes, he is the only one trying and caring at all, he is the only one making ANY effort and taking ANY responsibility, but anyway, he should have fallen to her feet after the argument and begged for HER forgiveness even after she carried on with Whicham? Are you kidding?

I enjoyed this story a lot, but you are underestimating how badly Lizzy has been treating Darcy during the whole of it. She was not only completely unfeeling towards him- dismissive to the point she had less compassion then she would give a total stranger. She was also completely disrespectful and petty and often hostile.
I thought, there was a point to it. Since Darcy had to work so hard & make up for his mistakes and to prove himself to her, she will have to do the same later and they will help each other become better people and build something great. But no. She didn't have to make up or prove herself to him, or regain his trust or even truly reassure him of her regard for him. Nothing whatsoever. LESS THEN 2 SENTENCES!

And the previous chapter when you are trying to justify it via Lizzy comes off very disingenuous.
Yeah, she's been an awful person that been treating Darcy like Sh*t for weeks, but she can find one thing she could stretch to critique him over, so let's fixate on that and gloss over everything she did. And let's make the 90% of them fixing their relationship HIM AGAIN 'fixing' it by paying debts, and helping people and apologizing to Lizzy and admitting it was all his fault anyway. WHAT?!

?And that can be justified cos he was wrong not to explain about Wickham and she can't not hold HIM to account? it would be starting off on a lie.? Ironic and funny really.
Please! even that is a stretch within your story. She had been treating him badly and yet demanding he shares vulnerable information? and then shifts all the blame on him for not doing so? WHY not blame herself for creating the walls and hostility? a relationship where he felt utterly incapable of actually trusting her with important information?
Look at their action thought the story. He trusted her enough to open HIMSELF up to her, kept at it no matter how many times she hurt and rebuffed him. But since it came so easily for her to hurt him, she was showing him when it came to an important matter- included his sister, he couldn't trust her. And I for one couldn't blame him.
If you keep kicking a dog, you cannot right after go blaming it if it won't jump on your lap and expose its belly to you. I think that to support their whole reconciliation on this is unreasonable and unfair to the characters.
ElizaG1 chapter 27 . 5/6
Delightful! Hope you are in better health and able to update soon!
castle loving geek chapter 27 . 4/20
O PLEASE Post the next one I need to read the wedding
Jansfamily4 chapter 27 . 4/11
I LOVE IT! A very passionate chapter! Sigh...
Chocolatte chapter 27 . 4/7
Beautiful, passionate chapter and I loved every word of it! I look forward to another chapter very soon! Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us. You really captured the characters depth of feeling and you do a beautiful job in their portrayal. Thank you!
Levenez chapter 27 . 4/5
Nice chapter. A lot of resolution and moving forward. Let’s see how his absence works out for the couple and how fast he can come back!
Thank you
ElizColl chapter 27 . 4/5
Such a sweet chapter! I love Darcy and Elizabeth’s rendezvous, but I think my favorite part is Elizabeth and Jane’s conversation about E’s engagement after Jane’s wedding. It’s so touching, and very realistic.
Guest chapter 27 . 4/4
Darcy, that was hot, hot, hot! Good for you! None other that stoic face anymore.
mega700201 chapter 27 . 4/4
Happy Lizzy chapter 27 . 4/4
Beautiful chapter. One comment though, I think you meant Miss Bingley for this sentence, since Jane already left with Charles: I have arranged for Georgiana to return to Netherfield with Mrs. Bingley in my carriage.
HarnGin chapter 27 . 4/4
WOW! Now, that's an update.

Seriously, thanks so much for the new chapter. I'm sorry you'd injured yourself and am glad your better. Stay safe!
LPK9 chapter 4 . 4/4
I love that Darcy is miserable. Honestly he deserves it.
LPK9 chapter 3 . 4/4
Fabulous chapter. You are doing a marvelous job of getting inside Darcy’s head.
liysyl chapter 27 . 4/4
Wow what a great chapter I am hoping for safe travels for Darcy's trip to find Wickham. Thanks for sharing your twist and stay safe.
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