Reviews for he hurts, but he's gonna be okay
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 1/12
Donnie, yes your the brains the smart one, but never forget your brothers are there for you. Of course Splinter would try, not leaving one of his sons in pain ever. Raph stopping him from purposely banging his head on the table great move Raph. Donnie already had a broken shell definitely doesn't need a damaged brain to make things worse.
Therandomer5000 chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Haha this was awesome. Beautifully written!
Charlie W. Hawthorn chapter 1 . 4/2/2019
Aww~! I love the family dynamic. Very cute story!
Mama May-Eye chapter 1 . 12/10/2018
Aw, I love to read about Donnie love; so nice to see his brothers helping him out.
Automail-gHost chapter 1 . 11/1/2018
Really well done! I hope you write more, this new show is super underrated and I need more well written fanfics like this!
fevertw chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
I really enjoyed this story & was amazed how you wrote these characters despite only a few episodes being released so far! Donnie is such an unique character from the other verses, he shows less emotions & more sarcastic & i truly worried about him when he wanted to take control & kind of was panicking? He really wasn't, but I feel like he was? Cause he thought that no one knew what they were doing & Donnie probably has low self esteem on his shell. He knows it's too soft for battle & he has to cover it & hide his flaws despite being born as that species. You did a wonderful job. And I might look back at this over a hundred times for angst & fluff!

(One slight recommendation is to capitalize your title :)! You don't have to listen to me but I almost scrolled past this story due to it, and you can even shorten it so if someone wants to come looking for this in the future then it'll be easier. You don't have to listen to me, it's just a recommendation. Hope to see more in the future!)
Techno Dawn chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
Great one-shot! I really enjoyed how you began with Donnie waking up in confusion, and that you didn’t feel the need to resolve it immediately. His sense of urgency and his curiosity bled through, even though it was clear that he wasn’t dying. It was nice to see him letting go of his need to control everything and to watch the family step up in turn. And, everyone relaxing at the end was just perfect. Nicely done!