Reviews for Bakugou Katsuki
Best story ever chapter 3 . 7/7/2019
This is the best it is SOOOOOOOOO coool and amazing keep up the good work
BakuGod chapter 3 . 1/18/2019
I think your fanfic was great but dang did you really have to make ururaka do that to him harsh but good job.I just hope he gets with momo I ship that.:)
Black Falcoln chapter 2 . 9/25/2018
Well awesome start on both chapter and really interesting seeing this different bakugou version mostly that he is friends with deku. Im really interested on seeing how bakugou will find the truth on his brother and how that will mentally affect him as right now he is seeing some memory through his dream. Well cant wait for the next chapter.
theLoverofAllThings chapter 1 . 9/24/2018
wow, Bakugou as the main character (and a semi dark one at that). I'm really interested to see what else happens. Does Izuku still get OFA (or does Bakugou)? Dies Izuku still get into class IA with Bakugou? What pairing will be included? Did All Might really kill Bakugou brother?