Reviews for Burning
lifeisbooks342 chapter 3 . 8/14
Oof when I tell you I have been sobbing at this story I mean it. I love reading stories where the characters actually get therapy and have a supportive and healthy environment to heal.
Allen's Matchmaker chapter 3 . 11/27/2019
IM SCREAMING I LOVE IT️ I really shouldn’t be, because Skull and Ethan are obviously going through difficult times. BUT ALSO.

The Arcobaleno do not know how to deal with one of their own trying to reject them.️
ACasualHuman chapter 3 . 11/11/2019

Skull is a cloud. Clouds are known for being stubborn, aloof, independent, a typicallllly volatile. He is a inverted cloud so these aren't directly implied. It doesn't erase the fact that somewhere in him, he has some if not all of these characteristics. He'll probably break before he bends, especially with the ex-arcobalenos rushing the process. Though I do feel that Reborn and likely Fon's way of trying 'to get Skull back' is better since it's getting him to think about it.

For me, in order to grow is to reflect on my actions and opinions. Verde'll probably push on Skull for Ethan to remember as opposed to giving him steady reminders. (Which is what Reborn did in my mind. It's healthy. At least for me.)

Though I really don't think he'll actually go back with them. Maybe admit or blow up saying that he wants to be left alone, but to go back with them? Both Skull (likely) and Ethan view Skull's past as bad. I wouldn't be surprised if Skull purposely did this.

Anyways, thank you for writing this and I hope you continue to update! Take your time alright? Bye bye!
thebingefangirl chapter 2 . 9/25/2019
why the open ended ending? jsbsh its so good why end it there?
HoloObssession chapter 2 . 8/27/2019
Oh damn, I do hope Skull/Ethan gets to work with his traumas and learn to deal with them in a healthy way. And really any relative normy (even Skull) would get traumatized with the Acro. Also, I hope that the relationships between the Acro become healthier and better in general. :)
scarlettravencrove chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
Hope you continue this
thebingefangirl chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
what¿? Does article 13 include fanfics? i thought its just memes... i mean ff. net hasn't been sued for copyright infringement for years idk, its sorta confusing for me
OfMiragesandOtherFalseTruths chapter 1 . 9/16/2018
I like this, it has so much potential! Skull's finally in a place where he's taken care of well (or am I saying this too soon? I hope not because I really like Greg, Rosie, and Dr Naveed. For once a the psychologist? therapist? isn't evil).

"He doesn't know who he is anymore." I found this very sad and slightly chilling. I can't put into words exactly... but... this seems to somehow point out the emptyness very well.

Looking forward to your next update!
Fire-and-Ice-Wolf chapter 1 . 9/16/2018
Hello, friend! Your story has potential, and from what I could tell, it looks really good so far! However, I’m not sure if you know that the chapter is not completely legible. I can’t remember what you call it, but it’s something along the lines of “text script” or something. Anyways, there’s a lot of unnecessary stuff clouding your story, and if you could get rid of it, that’d be great! Keep up the good work!