Reviews for The Whisky Distiller's Wife
Guest chapter 29 . 7/30
Not to seem desperate and annoying, but I miss your updates. I hope you’re safe and well.
Guest chapter 29 . 7/25
I’m excited to see where they’ll go from here! I do wonder if she revealed everything everything, or just the highlights of her life. It seemed like one of her fears was the Cullen family knowing her field of work. Pesky detective is obviously gonna cause them some trouble.
rat19 chapter 29 . 7/23
So sweet, happy they finally had the talk and were honest to each other :)
Guest chapter 29 . 7/17
I love your stories! I love to see your updates, too!
hamlet08 chapter 29 . 7/16
I love, love, love this whole story and where it is going. I have been a fan of yours for years, since your beginning stories, through Sincerely Sergeant Masen, and now this. Your writing here is so good, and I was hooked at the summary. The storytelling has me hooked! I love the way you have a piece of the past in each chapter so that we can a better understanding of Bella’s past. I am very excited to read more about how Bella and Edward will work together not only to save the distillery but also as a couple. Thank you for sharing your words and thoughts! Hope all is well with you. Can’t wait for future updates :)
Guest chapter 29 . 7/12
Well now things have cleared up! Guess jake didn’t commit suicide, but it was a self-inflicted death so a
sonogal chapter 29 . 7/9
They needed this conversation weeks ago. I hope they continue to open up to each other.
Luvvykitty chapter 29 . 7/8
Best chapter yet! Loved how this story has played out, such amazing emotion!
Aldi74 chapter 29 . 7/6
Finally they do the talking!
Hope everything now will be ok for them.
Can't wait for more.
helenemc chapter 29 . 7/5
Hope it all works out for them.
Rita01tx chapter 29 . 7/5
Perhaps neither was in any state of mind to have this conversation until now. Let's just hope it helps instead of hinders the cause!
Shamatt0403 chapter 29 . 7/5
I had a feeling Jake was dead. I am surprised he didn’t hang himself but choking on your own vomit was just as horrific. He’s right that she should have told him. She should have said something about why she was there.
banshee69 chapter 29 . 7/5
Bella has had so much heartache in her life. She could be happy if she'd just allow herself to open up to Edward completely. I think he's been an open book to her thus far, and after this conversation they are starting fresh, so-to-speak. Edward's concerns about the law is valid, but hopefully it'll wash out to nothing soon enough and they can get on with their life. I can hardly wait to read more.

quinzy chapter 29 . 7/5
I'm glad it's all out in the open now between Edward and Bella. And I worry what will happen after that police interrogation. Will they loose Sleat?
Guest chapter 29 . 7/3
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to future updates.
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