Reviews for Vali DxD Version 2
bwooodlord chapter 49 . 9/29
yeah i like it dont worry patience is part of reading fanfic
Vu Phi Ho chapter 49 . 9/26
It good that you have Jeanne lose this battle because I think it kinda unfair for all issei team to lose to cao cao team in the anime and I can’t wait for the next chapter keep doing your best!
OechsnerC chapter 49 . 9/25
Awesome update. Really enjoyed reading this chapter. Looking forward to reading more.
SkellZero chapter 49 . 9/25
Irina is one the best Baes of all time for Issei but she and Xenovia got easy clapped by Siegfried. I do also wonder though if Issei will leave the Devils and become Neutral Faction when he gets all the pillar family powers from his mutation that he needs
Mike Kromer chapter 49 . 9/25
Must have more asap. Love it so far, keep it up. can't wait to see what happens next.
Vu Phi Ho chapter 48 . 9/19
Are you still updating because I can’t wait for the next chap for the hero faction fight since we don’t have vitra!
bwooodlord chapter 48 . 7/28
so when will this be updated and will jeanne be in the harem?
OechsnerC chapter 48 . 6/9
Awesome update. Looking forward to reading more. Awesome foursome. Looking forward to the battle. Hope they demolish the Khaos Brigade.
Mike Kromer chapter 48 . 6/9
Must have more asap. love it so far, keep it up. can't wait to see what happens next. Ya the girls had a fun ride indeed lol.
Kerlongsj Evert Orlejov chapter 48 . 6/9
That is one surprise update if you ask me. Glad to read about Issei's trouble. It looks like Issei got himself into some fun and trouble.

This is going to be one fun trip.
Guest chapter 47 . 5/11
This is interesting
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 47 . 5/4
No killing Jeanne, period. End of fucking sentence... I've read too many fics where the protagonist fucks a girl on the opposing side with a moral dilemma, and ends up having to kill her because of the "greater good", and i'm fucking sick of it...

You don't have to make her a harem member, but letting her live (preferably healthy & unmaimed) is a far better option then killing her off for being with the "bad guys"...

(You also avoid all the angst that issei will potentially get from his girls if he kills her, especially muryama since she & jeanne are rivals/ frenimies...)
OechsnerC chapter 47 . 3/20
Awesome update.
Mike Kromer chapter 47 . 3/20
Must have more asap. Love it so far, keep it up. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Guest chapter 47 . 3/20
Please update this soon and same goes for sona dxd
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