Reviews for Warlock's Journey
Lix231 chapter 5 . 7/4
To be fair i think the major reason that Blizzard these days is shit is Activision.
GrumpyGrue chapter 4 . 5/24/2019
SPIT ON THE FAKE QUEEN. She does not know DA WAE. -Echidna Hightower
GrumpyGrue chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
Garrosh did nothing wrong
Guest chapter 4 . 3/16/2019
Please do Galaxy of Warcraft this
sounds funny and fun
About the Void chapter 4 . 3/10/2019
Quoted from the Wowpedia, "The Void seeks every possible path and sees them all as truth."

When it comes to the whispers Louise hears I think it might be wise to seek a more gentle approach. The Void is not some demon tyrant that uses terror to get their way. The Void does not seek to break your will, instead it corrupts the mind. Slowly drawing the victim in, gently opening their mind to inconceivable concepts. So that by the time they succumb to the Voids Madness, it is already too late to resist.
Some Advice chapter 2 . 12/22/2018
Alright so I've said this before I like your story. I mean there is already hundred different FoZ crossovers where Louise summons X familiar from X universe. It wouldn't be so bad, but practically no one tries to write a unique story, they just follow the manga. So a reverse summoning is very exciting, and unique.

Now that being said you really need to do something about your atrocious grammar. I am not trying to be mean but you have way too many errors for it to just be oversite. It is blatantly obvious that you aren't checking your work, either that or english just isn't your first language.

If you don't want to get a beta reader maybe you could post a version of each chapter to google docs. You can make it public and set it so viewers can leave comments. (Make sure you set it so they can't make edits) I am sure plenty of readers would be more than willing to help you make the needed corrections. You just need to place a link to the google doc version at the end or beginning of each chapter.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/21/2018
Dude how much eggnog did you drink before writing this chapter?
Aline1 chapter 2 . 12/20/2018
Hmm Trolls are known though in Louise's world, its just that they are almost 16 and half feet tall extremely aggressive and used as siege engines apparently but are quite vulnerable to fire.

As for werewolves yeah I can't recall them existing in Louise's universe, vampires yes who are capable of wiping out entire villages of commoners and which only magic users have any chance to fight but no werewolves.

Then again given that Halk Orcs that run in packs but apparently normally require six commoner warrors to right just one of them without magical aid and that's after they have been peppered with range fire before hand not to mention Minotaur with skin as tough as steel and numerous types of dragons they likely have enough monster problems.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/20/2018
Finally I've been waiting for like forever for you to update. Thought you had abandoned it.

Yeah giving the whole information sharing can be hard, and Azeroth has a ton of history so Louise has a lot to learn. The tricky part is not skipping over everything, and while simultaneously not making it into a college lecture. The best way is to give away new information only has it becomes relevant in small logical doses. Like what you did with the void, and the old gods, kudos for that.

Seriously though it is refreshing to read a novel that gets the importance of sharing information. I dropped so many fanfiction because the author just screwed the pooch when it came to delivery. Like how am I supposed to take your story seriously when the protagonist from world A, immediately tells all his most secret and personal information to the heroes of world B, like two seconds after they meet. Also what sort of narcissist just goes off on an impromptu spiel about themselves, nobody talks like that, have you ever even had a conversation?

Sorry went into a little rant there, I just get seriously pissed when a good premise is ruined because an author doesn't understand basic narrative logic. Your story is really good, and while it felt a little rushed near the end of the chapter. (I feel like I might have skipped over a paragraph at some point) it is really a breath of fresh air, compared to a lot of the garbage on this site.
Leon1256 chapter 2 . 12/20/2018
Overall I liked this chapter just think that you should go back thougth eventually and fix some of the spelling mistakes. The other thing I think you should consider is not to censor swear words. At the current moment all you are doing is removing one or two letters from the word which really doesn't hide what you are writing and just interferes with the stream of reading. You already have this rated as M and whats the point of having that rating if you are going to censor words like bullshit and shit which are words that anyone over 14 will have heard and most likely have used. Sure you can avoid other stronger words but the current words just don't seem to be worth it to censor them.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/20/2018
Same dude again just gonna say I will read this whenever it updates because good Warcraft fanfics are hard to find and this one is pretty good.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/20/2018
Same guest who talked about how there wasn't a hybrid,
Honestly I do agree with you about not being a fan of full anthro furry.
Another Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
To Guest
Be careful what you say, because I'm pretty sure last year there was no such thing as a Void Elf. So if Blizzard can pull a ridiculous edgelord race out of their ass, I don't see why a fanfiction author can't get a little creative with her protagonist.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
Same guest here I'm not saying to stop writing just that there aren't hybrid worgen
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
No such thing as a worgen hybrid you can't be half worgen
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