Reviews for Reparations
Chris chapter 23 . 2/17/2019
Daaaammmnnn! This is one of the most heartwarming, tears and laughter inducing, tension filled fanfics I've ever read. Love your style of writing and the way you portray the characters. Awesome job on including Lokis kids. The spelling needs a bit of improvement, but apart from this; wow, just wow!
And yes, it really shows in your writing that you've been through hard times, but that you're working on overcoming them. I wish you all the best and I hope to read more amazing stories from you :)
Greetings from a European lurker. ;)
monochre chapter 12 . 8/25/2018
Tony's experience was confusing for me to read, like, it's what happens when you touch what you're not supposed to- duhh. I liked that little moment with Loki, yep. Nope, I'm still confused. I feel bad for them going through shit right now. I'm so looking forward to reading your updates! Keep up the good work
monochre chapter 8 . 8/25/2018
Cute! And I just- I love how you write Dom!Tony, that's it. No, wait- I love your writing skills!
monochre chapter 6 . 8/25/2018
That ring is hilarious! What made Loki want to commission it? lol

I like that Tony woke up weirded out about last night..? weird i know.

I like how Loki tells Tony what happened, it just fits. I kinda just want to bundle them up in a blanket sushi and hide them from Thanos safely haha
monochre chapter 5 . 8/25/2018
This is so hot like, i've read a lot of bdsm related stuff but this takes the cake. It's always jumping to the period of the D/s already in a comfortable routine, or starting a D/s relationship but its all always so.. sexualised. This- this is like, purely a meaningful part of them fixing their relationship even if it has whispers of bdsm only because its- I emphasise- effective. This touches on the subject of trust really well, especially between them.
monochre chapter 3 . 8/25/2018
oh my lord
monochre chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
so hot rn whooo