Reviews for Only The Lonely
Guest chapter 67 . 6/29
I see this story hasn't been updated in a while. To bad. I've really enjoyed the reading, so I'll thank you for what you've shared and hope there is more someday.
Guest chapter 62 . 6/29
Couldn't agree more. Great story.
Guest chapter 52 . 6/28
Should have let Bella use the pepper spray. Just one good blast, please.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/26
Finally, Rosalie is called on her behavior. She's been so mean and nasty to most of the men in her family. It had to be Esme to do it too. Hopefully the future around her won't be as bad as it could have been. To bad they didn't intervene much much sooner.
MsLiss chapter 67 . 6/4
Really enjoying this
It workdays be awesome if yiu could finish it
Thank you
ShannonRae Flowergirl chapter 67 . 4/1
Please, please update! We want more of this Edward and more of your writing!
DICATAKADD chapter 33 . 3/31
Into the Mystic is one of my top five songs for life. When it started playing I might have screamed a little. I loved all the music in this chapter.
DICATAKADD chapter 23 . 3/26
I am absolutely loving this story and this edward.
abbyweyr chapter 44 . 3/14
I think boring was part of the reason for Volvo...blend in more with the humans.
karen4honor chapter 49 . 2/19
Bwahahaha! Why do I get the feeling that Charlie is going to not be lonely much longer...?
karen4honor chapter 47 . 2/19
karen4honor chapter 46 . 2/19
Oh, OUTSTANDING! Now, I'm wondering if there will still be an imprint or two?
abbyweyr chapter 67 . 2/18
what a first experience for Bella. Her stubbornness and compassion at work.
abbyweyr chapter 59 . 2/18
Good for Billy!
abbyweyr chapter 58 . 2/18
That is nice that Renee gets to stay in her life a bit.
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