Reviews for All Aboard the Angst Train
Guest chapter 7 . 8/7
Clowns crossed with cattle...
Guest chapter 6 . 8/7
If only they knew... Nadakhan, the wedding, the prison, the poison, etc.
Andrea Falcon chapter 2 . 1/1/2019
Aaaaaaaaaaah, it all make so much sence!
Dr. Fluffmuffin chapter 7 . 8/27/2018
Man, this chapter was so good! That part where they were naming the gang actually got a chuckle out of me. This was the perfect little bookend to this fic; excellent job.

This entire fic was wonderful! I enjoyed every chapter, and the amount of thought you put into each prompt. This was fabulous!
RandomDragon2.0 chapter 7 . 8/25/2018
woo, some happy feels

this little story was absolutely amazing

and I certainly hope to see more stuff from you :D
Dr. Fluffmuffin chapter 6 . 8/24/2018
Shoot, you're absolutely right about all of this. Jay would have all these weird fears now. It's a very neat thing to explore, and I'm so glad you did, because it is such an interesting take on the aftermath of season 6 as opposed to what the show did by pretending that everything is normal. I have to applaud you again; this was awesome!
ABCSKW123-IX chapter 6 . 8/24/2018
Ohhhhhhhh my gosh. There were so many messed-up things about Skybound that never get truly addressed, but of COURSE he would be doing badly after the fact, no matter how okay it ended up. Each of the little things that got brought up ... ouch. Really good examples of things that would remind Jay of bad things that make NO SENSE from the outside. Guys, no, Jay's not fine ...

But of course, that's the last thing Jay wants to let on about.

So I KNOW this is an one shot for angst week but I've wondered and had to get it out SOMEWHERE, kjsdhflk. So Jay's obviously very affected by the shit he went through, but Nya also had a pretty terrible time of it once things really started going down. Would Kai be so willing to dismiss the odd slip-up and uncomfortable situation with her as just nerves, like he would Jay? Or would he notice it more quickly ...

You're in no way obligated to say anything to that for the record, just wondering out loud heheh
RandomDragon2.0 chapter 6 . 8/24/2018
again, you absolutely amaze me

and now there is only one of these left

I'm excited for it but it will definitely be sad to see this come to an end

amazing job and I can't wait for the next one :D
Dr. Fluffmuffin chapter 5 . 8/24/2018
*claps (in the non-sarcastic way)* This is beautiful. I am positively moved. You have such a gift with words. I wish I could gather my thoughts on this well enough to form a cohesive review, but I'm still reeling over this chapter. I think this one is my favorite so far. It fits so well with the characters and the situation, and it takes advantage of material the show adamantly neglects. I love this! AMAZING job, as usual!
ABCSKW123-IX chapter 5 . 8/23/2018
Man, I wish so badly I had the energy to do angst week. This is MY kinda week.

I love all of these oneshots, though! Seriously, Kai's "Heartbreak" was short and yet cuttingly effective. And this last one in particular ... anything to do with how the ninja dealt with Zane's death forever makes me EMOTIONAL. Cole's thoughts torn between the responsibility he feels obligated to uphold and the emotions he's struggling with at Zane's death and the corresponding maladaptive coping mechanisms ... well-written and ouch-inducing. :')
RandomDragon2.0 chapter 5 . 8/23/2018
how can you make these short stories so amazing!?

I am really enjoying all of these, and certainly can't wait to see what's next :D
RandomDragon2.0 chapter 4 . 8/23/2018

this one was short, yet the feels...

can I give the siblings a hug now?
Dr. Fluffmuffin chapter 4 . 8/23/2018
Man, this packs a punch! You captured the denial really well, and frankly, I envy how you did it so concisely! You have such talent, my friend.
Excellent chapter! I'm really enjoying this fic of yours!
Dr. Fluffmuffin chapter 3 . 8/23/2018
Holy smokes, I /really/ like this chapter! I loved the way you characterized the relationship between Kai and Nya (you give it justice the show doesn't), and I love how you wrote of both physical and inner scars. It was lovely! I especially like the ending conversation and final paragraph.
RandomDragon2.0 chapter 3 . 8/22/2018
wow, this is absolutely amazing!

I really enjoyed these and definitely can't wait to see the next one :3
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