Reviews for Soldiers of Fortune (OLD)
Terrence Shepard chapter 10 . 7/21/2019
I like the Office reference. I’m sad to see this story cancelled, but if it’s getting improved, I guess the wait will be worth it. Best of luck, boyo.
Terrence Shepard chapter 9 . 5/22/2019
FUCK YEAH! It's great to see this story returning! A lot of great dialogue in this chapter; I particularly liked Poppey's fluid innards. Welcome back to the land of the living, Teams MGTA and GRPE!
Terrence Shepard chapter 8 . 2/4/2019
Oh, shit's kicking off now! Can't wait to see where this leads next. I liked the stupid pun about the arena's shape, I feel that somewhere out there, Barbara Dunkleman felt a disturbance in the force.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/22/2019
I feel like Gron's flashback in chapter 3 would have fit better here. But, then again, that would have made this chapter significantly longer.
Terrence Shepard chapter 7 . 12/26/2018
Finally! Been waiting for this for a while. I like the idea of including Team CFVY. Coco is one of my favorite side characters. Also, I appreciate the fact that the teams are getting more mature with their language (I had a good, long laugh at Poppey's "shut the fu-"). Either way, another great chapter for a great story.
Terrence Shepard chapter 4 . 12/3/2018
I see the subtle reference to Splinter Cell there, "then he's made the top ten." Clever. Also, in the previous chapter you made Team GRPE seem like they were sort of evil or morally gray, like the now take jobs to kill people or extort them, but here they are just a normal Huntsmen team. I assume that since they became mercs, they really don't care who they work for or what they do, so long as they get paid? And what was their "fall from grace"? You touched on it in the last chapter, and I'm super curious. Either way, great chapter, as always.
Terrence Shepard chapter 3 . 12/2/2018
Are they gonna end up fighting the Grimm Dragon? Is that why you mentioned it in this chapter and made it the cover picture? BTW, great story so far.
RaultheGhoul chapter 6 . 11/16/2018
I ship Azure and Gron
XxXbmblbfanXxX chapter 3 . 11/16/2018
"She's always right" and feminism matches on. Good job guys
ZweiXOobleck4Eva chapter 5 . 11/16/2018
Isn't Qrow supposed to reference the scarecrow?
Guest chapter 3 . 11/1/2018
Im actually pretty curious to find out whta titians weapon is. all your other weapos have been really cool:)
Guest chapter 2 . 8/29/2018
Your writing is good but I don't think you need to list EVERY single reference in the author's notes.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2018
It is good to finally see some-one adhere to Monty's color naming rule. I look forward to seeing more of this story in the future.