Reviews for After the Leaving
Tempe4Booth chapter 7 . 12/12/2019
you want a few get comments Does that make Sarah 99? and Morgan almost Hymie like friend wise?
mikanMD chapter 17 . 11/28/2019
Thank you so much for your time and effort to write this story!
bahall1964 chapter 17 . 11/27/2019
This was a wonderful ending to a great story. I enjoyed it from start to finish. I am so looking forward to seeing more from you and hopefully it will be soon. Fantastic job as always!
David Carner chapter 17 . 11/26/2019
WELL DONE! Marked paprika...LOL! Love it!
David Carner chapter 16 . 11/26/2019
Okay, 70 people getting Interested to see his counterproposal.
PGHammer chapter 7 . 11/20/2019
I DID get the reference - but then I saw the original series. There were two movies as well (one "made for TV" and one filmed version - "The Return of Maxwell Smart" AKA "The Nude Bomb" - the latter referred to CONTROL, however, as a predecessor of a new counterintelligence agency) Fiction Parallels Art - James Bond was a reservist in the Royal Navy; both Maxwell Smart and the Chief of CONTROL were reservists in the United States Navy. (The late Edward Platt - who played the role of the Chief - was also one in real life.)
PGHammer chapter 6 . 11/20/2019
We've seen the beginning of Combat Chuck during the show - why else did Paris get mentioned?
WillieGarvin chapter 17 . 11/21/2019
Nice ending to the mission. Thanks for sharing. Clever bluff and clever us of Volkoff. Using all available resources to get the job done. I have no problem with Chuck and Sarah being the chess masters in the missions. Makes perfect sense that they would want to stay out of the line of fire. Now for the next big adventure...parenthood. Wonder if their offspring will have superpowers?
wilf21 chapter 16 . 11/21/2019
A brilliantly executed rescue plan. Now, what did they do to the cartel members?
WillieGarvin chapter 16 . 11/21/2019
Thanks for sharing, Raycd. Very nice tight military operation story. I loved the touch of the kids squealing on the rappel. The first time I rappelled, I wanted to also (but that would have been embarrassing). Of course, curious to see what Chuck arranged to avoid wholesale bloodshed. Looking forward to your next installment.
mkays68 chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
Great story! Look forward to the sequels...
mikanMD chapter 15 . 11/7/2019
Thank you for the update
wilf21 chapter 15 . 11/6/2019
A tough call at the end there.
Marc Vun Kannon chapter 15 . 11/6/2019
Playing hardball now.
David Carner chapter 15 . 11/5/2019
Oh. Oh my. This is not going to go well. Great chapter!
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