Reviews for Digital Hearts
shinshinjane chapter 2 . 11/4/2011
i hope zoe is kairi and kouji or kouichi is riku.
Aldamonburst chapter 2 . 9/23/2009
i like this fic.
Gundamknight chapter 2 . 7/18/2006
I have tried the game by myself but I was getting fustrusted by the game's confusing gameplay and plus that I was still stuck on the Destiny Island.

your fellow author,

Jeffrey Hsu chapter 2 . 5/14/2005
This a awesome story, but You Must make sure if Zoe-Kairi that she ends up with Takuya and in chapther one change the staff to the sword and give-up the staff.
kr92 chapter 2 . 3/4/2005
C'mon! Make a new chapter! It's been months!
Gemini Star01 chapter 2 . 1/21/2005
Neeto, but I hope you veer off the path a bit. It'll be boring if you just repeat scenes from the game. I'm going to guess randomly for characters from the KH game...Now let's see...

Kairi has GOT to be Izumi. She's the only girl who really knows Takuya.

Rinku is a bit trickier. He's either Kouji, or Kouichi. Kouji, because he's Sora's (Takuya's) best friend/rival, or Kouichi, because he eventually gives way to the darkness.

Donald and Goofy, now they're hard. I'd say some combo of Tommy, Kouichi and Junpei, whichever two would work better...

Leon? I'd say Tai or Ryou. If Ryou is Leon, then Rika can be Yuffie, and, um...*thinks hard* Mm, maybe Kari could be Areath! Oh, and Matt can be Cloud!

Then in the Disney castle...Uh, Tai as King Mickey? Weird, but it works...then Sora/Mimi as Minnie and Mimi/Sora as Daisy, whichever you'd prefer.

Oh, and Bokomon has to play Jimminy's part!

Er...I'm rambling now. I guess I'll go away and wait for the next chapter...Good luck!
Arukifan chapter 2 . 9/21/2004
Rinapants chapter 2 . 7/3/2004
It's OK but I uh kinda saw around... it may been yours but I'm not sure it was a while ago... but update soon.
minamotogirl chapter 1 . 5/13/2004
Great chapter ! Finally someone does a Digimon Frontier and Kingdom Hearts crossover!lol..I'm working on one too but it's kinda like my personal fanfic. Please update soon!
Cosmetor chapter 2 . 5/1/2004
This story really shows your skills as an author. You copied the entire thing straight from Kingdom Hearts; The only things you changed were Sora's name and the symbol on the weapons. My suggestion? Stop wasting your time on this and focus on something worthwhile.
Wedge chapter 2 . 3/23/2004
I am impressed by your adaptation of Kingdom Hearts. Keep up the excellent. Could you try and make the Digimon play roles in this story?
Dragon and Sword Master chapter 2 . 12/15/2003
Well, this is just like the game, only you use digimon character in the place of others. I bet that Kairi os going to be Sora, and Riku is going to be Matt or yamato
dragi chapter 2 . 9/27/2003
hey cool story please update realy soon please i cant wait to the next chapter. good luck with the next chapter.

love dragi
mimiholly12329 chapter 1 . 9/26/2003
YUCK hate it
animefreak5483 chapter 1 . 9/10/2003
interesting- I usually stick w/ season 1 fics- but this one looks good :)

and it's a crossover w/ a very good game!

I luv Kingdom hearts!
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