Reviews for Switch!
BloodyHeart120 chapter 3 . 7/1
10/10 would recommend! Can’t wait for more (if u update)!
icedshadows chapter 3 . 2/1
did you know?

This story is great and more people should read it.
MonochromeJoker29 chapter 3 . 1/21
Oh my gods, I love it! I’m pretty sure Reborn will be the first to get suspicious though, but maybe since she went to Midori Tsuna is actually way smarter and less clumsy than her brother, has the Vongola Intuition and has Haru’s help, they’ll manage to keep the secret for ages. That is, until the first Dying Will bullet is used on Tsuna. After that, it’s a toss up if Reborn will decide Tsuna is better than Ietsuna in some way and she’s more suited to the position of boss so he won’t say anything or if he’ll force Tsuna to find Ietsuna and they don’t succeed in finding him for a while so she’ll have to act as boss. Oooh man, I can’t wait!️
Rydia16 chapter 3 . 11/3/2019
omg im so happy that this chapter is out! I love this fic so much *w*
H3llion chapter 3 . 11/3/2019
Ietsuna is an awful person :o
Poor Tsuna-chan :(
CAD270895 chapter 3 . 11/3/2019
i love this story more please
Faery66 chapter 2 . 4/2/2019
Hope to read more soon.

Autumph chapter 2 . 1/8/2019
Mukuro... I think... Maybe Chrome? Well... My reasoning is that the Kokuyo gang is from there also. It's a good possibility after all... I wonder... If she knows about the mafia shebang with her brother... Poor brother of her's... Experiencing Reborn...
icedshadows chapter 1 . 11/7/2018
... an interesting original concept I would love to see what happen next. Thank for sharing this... You are ICESOME!
kyothefallenkit chapter 2 . 11/5/2018
I'm so curious! I can't wait to read any updates xDD
Aryst Rosette chapter 2 . 10/22/2018
Ietsuna is throwing Tsuna to the wolves! He didn't even say anything about the whole mafia business, I bet he's gonna run away and there's really no baseball tryout. what a jerk! at lest Tsuna is a badass! who would be her guardians if Ryohei is in another town?! I bet his girlfriend is Hana hahah
IBO chapter 2 . 10/14/2018
I LOVE IT! And rip I really feel Tsuna’s pain for her hair it takes forever to grow it out ugh. And ?! Secret badass?!
Foxluna chapter 2 . 10/11/2018
I wonder who she was talking to there at the end of this chapter?
BloodyInsanity5713 chapter 2 . 10/10/2018
HELL! Who was she talking to?! What will she do next? Who is Sasagawa's girlfriend? Will the twins be able to pull this off?! Stay tuned for more updates...
Jayleenf1 chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
Love. Can’t wait until the chaos happens
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