Reviews for Spellbound Myth
Shade524 chapter 15 . 8/4
Good story, just discovered you're doing alright with covid and stuff, just keep at it because reading and writing is a good way to use time
Gabriela Morcelles chapter 15 . 7/28
Hello person. Look, I know it's been two years since you published this chapter, but this story has so much potential! Please update, not for me or for anyone who has read and wants to know the ending, but for you! This story is wonderful and has so much potential! And if you haven't updated for any problem, tell us! You will be protected by anonymity so that's fine! (please forgive me if there is an error in the spelling, I cannot speak English and I am using the translator). Have a great day (or night) and a great life!
Guest chapter 15 . 7/13
Its a good story just needs more written
chaosmaker55 chapter 15 . 7/11
I would like for you to do what you enjoy because if you enjoy what you are writing then we probably will enjoy it also.
Billy Bob Joe 23 chapter 15 . 7/11
P34n6t chapter 15 . 7/9
Aaaaaaa, this story is amazing! Keep up the great work! :D
Guest chapter 15 . 7/8
Ok, this was actually super cool. I really enjoyed reading it
Guest chapter 15 . 7/8
This chapter was amazing
flyingzuzu14 chapter 15 . 7/7
AHHHHHH! That was awesome! I love your story! Keep up the great work!
Raxacoricofallapatoreous chapter 15 . 7/6
I’m slightly confused, but really excited! :D I really like where I think you’re heading with this story and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Pierre Shi chapter 1 . 7/5
Mmmhmmmm, interesting, I like where it’s going. Keep it up :P
TheOperaticSquirrel chapter 15 . 7/5
I honestly have no idea what's going on anymore and I love it. At first I thought this story was going to progress in a fairly predictable pattern, but then you kept throwing in these little things that hinted at so much more and now there's no telling how this is going to work out. I love how quickly everything seems to be snowballing and I'm really excited to learn a bit more about what's actually happening.
TheOperaticSquirrel chapter 13 . 7/5
This is a really cool chapter, not at all what I was expecting after his fall. There was a surrealness to it that gave the impression of walking through a particularly vivid dream. Something about how you wrote him waking up in what I assume was Hades' receiving room felt so realistic and engaging, like I was really there trying to sort through pain and confusion. I loved how his surroundings seemed so calm only to be swiftly and violently broken up by the attack of Cerberus just before he was woken, like the dog only just noticed he didn't belong. This whole chapter had such a great style. I love the way it contrasted with the flow of the rest of the story. I can't wait to see what bearing this has on the rest of the story.
surya25addanki chapter 15 . 7/5
I want you to go on your pace
dauntlessofthesea chapter 15 . 7/5
So he’s been claimed, but at Hogwarts?
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