Reviews for Waifu
WwEpsilonwW chapter 1 . 6/8
Despite the Kiss that came out of nowhere, I liked the story. In my completely biased opinion, it was the perfect amount of density that a protagonist needs. Well, besides the kiss scene. But hey! That's probably just my own age speaking. Good job.
forward-smash chapter 1 . 4/15
Ack, you fucking dumbasses, you.

Certainly took you long enough.
spoofnt chapter 1 . 3/10
this is just r/kamikazebywords
HamClad chapter 1 . 2/27
Now I will never know if Hachiman was actually that dense or if he was being purposefully obtuse. But I'm really glad they found an answer amidst this half-assed dance they were doing around each other.
Wic W. Athor chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
Yes, Hikigaya. That was a cheesy last line. Also good work and congratulations.
Munpin chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
Brilliant, just brilliant! I was chuckling like an idiot. You really have a way with words and characterizations.
Thanks for writing this story!
Key-To-Light315 chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
In the beginning I thought the author himself was talking, but when I noticed it was Hachiman himself I laughed my ass off
AdanteYuroku chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
A well written fun story. I'll look forward to more in the future. :)
Wicked.A chapter 1 . 8/31/2018
this was nice
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
Red Glasses chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
Suzu- who now?


You have shit taste Hachi-bou. I expected someone old school cool girl and better than you.
HarimaHige chapter 1 . 8/5/2018
Loved it
BlackPsych chapter 1 . 8/3/2018
Some of these reviews are nitpicky. So let me add to that! They're not close enough for Hachiman to call Yukino by her first name, even in his thoughts. I thought the monologue about waifu's and life dragged on a bit and I hope next time you use " instead of ' for dialogue. Hachiman sounded a bit angsty in his thoughts, but he's a teenager - so that's to be expected. Other than that, this was a nice read! I think I've seen similar questions posed to Hachiman on other fics concerning his taste in women and other preferences. Y'know, with the girl or girls listening intently while he's dense or pretends to be dense about it, and answers with a boring, safe answer. So the premise isn't purely original, other than Zaimokuza being the catalyst lol, but I couldn't help enjoying it anyway.

Actually, his answer to Yukino's question was pretty good; I didn't expect him to say as much as he did. I do wish it was more clear if he knew that he was basically talking about Yukino and if he did that on purpose. You wrote it very well; I was able to personally connect with Hachiman a few times, as if they were my own thoughts, and that was because of your first-person narrative style. It was great, but almost a bit too personal; there were moments that did not sound like something either character would mention or elaborate on. My favorite part was how you gave Hachiman some frigging balls to quit beating around the bush and confront Yukino, rather than leaving everything up in the air and ending on a safe, stagnant note. I love the absurdity of how the word 'waifu' was what led to them hooking up — really sticks this story to its rom-com genre. So yeah, good work!
Ralph Ziggy chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
TQP and other whiners here:

Nope, by volume 11 Hachiman is referencing things in 2013, so timeline is sliding forward, there is no set year for oregairu, Watari keeps pulling the time towards the present.

SO: Watari pulls the timeline to the present, so we fanfic writers can too.
TQP chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
Hello, it's quotable patella again.

Sometimes guest reviewers are really funny as most of them don't even know what they are talking about. Lel.

In anime, Hachiman is second year in sobu in 2013. In LN, Hachiman is second year in sobu in 2011. Case closed.

I mentioned anime timeline in the previous review because it is atleast comparatively closer to the release date of Classroom of elite (2015). I have properly done my homework you dumb guest reviewer!

Hachiman used to have chuunibyou during his middle school years, which means 2009-2012 in anime or 2007-2010 in LN, during which he used to like Suzune Horikita as waifu...

Which is not at all possible because classroom of the elite hasn't been released yet by that time, be it anime or LN timelines...
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