Reviews for Everybody Lies
anyonums chapter 1 . 8/7/2019
going to miss you and your stories. devinatart dracoforce7
AUS Wild Thing chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
Honestly I'm surprised at this recent development. I have to say I didn't see it coming.

I suppose a part of me is disappointed that this story in particular is being pulled. I am of a similar mindset with many other readers in that I both understand your position, but can't help but feel it's somewhat poorly managed and trivial.

As someone who enjoys writing on sites such as FanFiction and Archive Of Our Own, I understand the appeal of receiving feedback from reviews or Favourites. What I don't understand is feeling disheartened or put off by the lack of response from your fan base. Anyone who posts here is opening themselves to criticism and positive energy from the community.

However the community is within their right to leave a review at their pleasure. Threatening to pull a story simply because you aren't getting the desired review count feels counterintuitive. There are people who write 30 chapter stories with only a handful of reviews, they don't continue for the gratification of feeling high off of communities comments, they genuinely enjoy writing.
Whyo chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
This is sad, your stories were great.
dld51 chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Don't take away your stories because some jerks. There are plenty of other people happy with your writing.
shin chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
apparently genuinely asking for feedback and threatening readers to offer feedback with fire consequences is the same thing.. the fact that you can’t see your delusional ways worries me. i have never in my life come across an author so toxic who begs for reviews, thank goodness it’s over
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
I Looked at your Bio and Highly Upset that would Betray Your Fans That Gave You plenty of Feedback just To Spite A Few Trolls.. I have seen plenty feedback and Suggestions.. Why Do You Ignore that?
ApertureScience TestCandidate chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
While i have found your stories entertaining, you attitude towards your readers is shocking. If readers are compelled to leave a review, thats great, if they dont... who cares? they took the time to read your work. That is the more important part, right? Not the work you put in but the enjoyment it brings to others...

If that isnt the case for you then i think your decision to leave is wise.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Your desperate need for validation through reviews was pathetic and the site better with those like you, those who make threats, gone. Goodbye and good riddance.
Iwik chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
I think it needs to be said, but I honestly saw his coming. You're writing in a declining niche yet expect more reviews? That was unrealistic to start. That a few negative ones had more of an impact than the 250 positive ones aren't a good sign. I do hope that's just how you worded it, but it came off like you're in a bad place right now and needed the positive feedback in volume to feel good. I hope I'm wrong and you're having the time of your life. If so, just ignore the rambling of a random internet dweller.

I'm not bashing you as a person or anything, but don't put yourself out there if you aren't ready to get negative responses. The way you demanded reviews for chapters wasn't constructive and sounded a bit like you cared more for the number than what the review acually said. But like I said, it felt like a plea for positive attention, which I hope you're getting in real life instead of searching the web for it.

Anyway, it's always bad to lose a writer. I hope you'll find what fanfiction lacked. Thanks for the entertaining stories.
Heseltine chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Figured this would happen at some point. Just want to leave this here if you do read. I love all of your stories. You are a great writer. But. Reviews should not be something expected from readers, it is a bonus, if a reader wants to leave a note telling you what they do and don't like Great. If not you shouldn't worry about it. Write the stories for yourself and don't be disheartened that you're not getting a certain amount of reviews. By giving yourself a number you have now alienated all the people that did review your chapters and made people feel onligated to review instead of thinking that they wanted to. People will start to give ingenuous reviews instead of heartfelt ones and will start to feel like they have to say something nice and positive instead of criticism because they fear you will remove your stories. Which you have now done.
If you look at other stories on the site I dont think any other writer has threatened the readers into reviewing their stories. Other witers have done numerous things to get reviews like asking questions that they want answered about scenes or replying to reviews to create a two way dialogue so the reader actually understands what their comment meant to the writer. But you seem to only care about the number not the person actually reviewing.
In the end its a very negative and unhealthy relationship you have created with your audience and it's no surprise that you got backlash for it. I hope that you someday return to post the full story but looking at your profile it seems you're done with Fanfiction. So if that is the case. Goodbye, your stories have certainly left an impact on the Dragonball Z fanfiction community.
brian987987 chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Literally been reading your stories for 6 years now and each time I read them it’s as enjoyable as the first time! Would be a huge blow to this fandom if possibly the best author in the g/v ship leaves..
Starfox11 chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
I almost never leave comments just favorites/follows but if it means anything I’ve always enjoyed your stories since I started reading fanfictions back in 2013. It’ll be sad if you quit for good since you’re my all time favorite author because you kept writing good stories for so long. Your portrayals of videl/gohan will always be my head canon, and if you decide to quit forever then I just wanna say thanks for all the years of enjoyment!
RabbitMelody chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Well damn I was looking forward to the next chapter but it seems it was taken down. Don’t know to the reason but I’ll respect you reasons.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
I don't know what happened but my last review can't be seen. It was just telling you you are the best writer I've read in this site, since the personality of the characters to the story's development. I don't judge you for doing what you have done, what is more, I can understand that asking for feedback is not an ego thing, reviews are not always good things. Well, I really hope I could continue reading you, really you can't leave us like this! (Snif snif)
Pdt: I could picture you as Videl with her explosive personality doing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
I know it's your work and you have all the right to do what you've done, but I really want to continue reading you, I've been doing it since 3 months ago and I really like your fics. I've reviewed since then and if your post in your bio still stands, I'd like to be in that list you mentioned. My mail is
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