Reviews for Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Battle for the Galaxy
Guest chapter 16 . 6/15
is jason in the arena that thor fights in during ragronok
Guest chapter 16 . 5/15
very good story i am looking forward to more
Callum Runchman chapter 16 . 5/15
R u even gonna continue this. It's a really great storyline and it'd be a shame and a huge waste if u just left it abandoned
Guest chapter 16 . 4/26
endgame has been out for a year exactly now, and this doesnt seem to be close to finished, want this to be percy/wanda only, no more percabeth, also wanna see percy use stormbreaker, and possibly pick up mjolnir and beat the shit out of thanos,
Guest chapter 6 . 4/25
percy is 17 now, not 14
thunderofdeath97 chapter 3 . 4/25
i cant tell which demigods agree about the accords and stuff and which dont, also the olympians are pagan too lol
thunderofdeath97 chapter 11 . 4/25
thanos is not more powerful than a primordial, thats ridiculous, maybe by using the stones he is but without the six stones sorry, nope
thunderofdeath97 chapter 16 . 4/25
i say percy/wanda, or percy/wanda/annabeth
NVJ chapter 8 . 4/7
I kind of honestly hope that there isnt any more Percabeth in this story; cause, you know Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty but being betrayed by Annabeth as he was would damage that loyalty for her foreverwhy would you trust someone that had already betrayed you? This relationship was too dependent on the other, they assume that because they've both ben through all the same things together, they know exactly how the other one thinks and reacts to the same situation withouth actually knowing. They lack a solid communication. The way that Percy and Wanda's relationship is going is actually really cute (though i dont like them together so often in storiesWanda as a character annoys me) but with how fast it's already going, their potential romance will be more like a giant "Fuck You" to Annabeth; they'll start dating and realise it's probably better to be friends, but like, a really epic and strong friendship. Their relationship wont last very long, a few weeks or maybe a few months, they're very close but they dont argue or bring up any displeasure they have about the other, it will be more like a "follow the leader!" relationship and wont develop at all. After a mutual breakup, that honestly doesn't upset them as much as theh think it should, they tell each other the things thay hated the most about their relationship or the things thag annoyed them and laugh about it for ages; after this thier communication level is god-teir. My biggest hope is that endgame relationship is Percy/Peter, their dynamic isnt really mentioned all that often anymore but when it is, they act so natural around each other despite the story only being a few months(?) along; this is a slowburn type of relationship, where they like eachother but wont realise until much later, just like Percabeth in canon, but unlike Percabeth in canon, they aren't starting with any bad blood or dislike that evolves into a romance that was honestly borderline toxic. Their romance is slow and sweet, honey-dipped and sugar-filled; they're both very understanding and supportive of each other but they often bump heads against each other because of thier conflicting habits. Because they've been friends for so long (and stated developing crushes) they notice and know things about they other, they know when to draw a line and how to compromise and overcome challenges. Because they're both heroes, they know that thier safety wont be guaranteed, especially (after they will have/)having gone through so much together. They wont be overly dependent on eachother, because they both have very different hero lives, but they wont be so independent from each other either, because they will be able to relate together without having having to share the exact trauma. They have the ability to talk to each other without pressure and in thier own time. Level is over 9000. Primordial-god-teir.
jedblack1997 chapter 3 . 2/15
Hi. I love the story here, and the au shipping between Percy and Wanda. Don’t listen to other’s negative comments. Keep up the good work, take your time if you have to, and please don’t abandon this beautiful & exciting story. Thank you.
Guest chapter 10 . 12/17/2019
This is utter rubbish
RoundLake chapter 13 . 9/24/2019
You are forcing things. The story itself isn't very bad but you are not letting the story progress in a natural pace. For the sake of a so called 'pairing' you completely changed and ruined the character Annabeth Chase. The romance between Percy and Wanda is not realistic at all and a pain to read.
Otherwise, the main-plot isn't bad at all and has potential. I think that's what you should focus on rather than teenage romance.
Fanboy2000 chapter 15 . 8/24/2019
lol Fuck I thought this was a chapter where Nico brought the dead back to life and form an army aginst whatever threat xD
the8horcrux chapter 16 . 8/13/2019
Wanda and Percy alone in the forest. Please don't do anything inappropriate with that. Real excited for part three! Great story man (woman?) keep writing!
the8horcrux chapter 15 . 8/13/2019
Good, this is an amazing story, sorry about your mental health issues, got'em all, i sympathize. Hope you never abandon this story.
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