Reviews for A Shinobi love story
Frost King14 chapter 17 . 8/28/2018
Love this chapter, and story. The romantic confusion and struggle, I just can’t wait to seee where this goes.

I wish you nothing but the best of luck
quintzy chapter 13 . 8/17/2018
I looove this
pepetrump chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
this gay
Frost chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
I believe this to be well written and good structure. I really can’t give you much because is short, which their is nothing wrong, but it is a good opener in my opinion. Can’t wait to see where this goes.
Frost King14 chapter 4 . 7/25/2018
This honestly is a great story, and in my opinion, which honestly isn’t much, you are a great writer. Although don’t think you have to pressure yourself with quick updates, take your time and enjoy writing.