Reviews for Just Fine 2: What Is Family?
Hi456 chapter 30 . 6/22
I love these versions of the turtles. Maybe one day you can do a short story where the two Leo's meet. That would be interesting and fun to read. Keep up the good work.
ScribeofHeroes chapter 5 . 5/19
I love, even though he's "not a ninja" you let Leonardo be stealthy and ninja-like and reminiscent of Batman in some ways. (Robin in others) I also like how his special talents have to do with his adopted father's special talents.

Also Karai's jealousy is very believable. The choices she makes out of it are wrong, but that she would make them is totally believable and I feel sorry for her.

Yeah, I would have been doubtful too, Leo.

Wow, Karai always finds the excuse others buy.

Oh Karai, what a tangled web we weave, and she does it so smoothly too.

Mondo would welcome a newcomer.

Yeah, I imagine the tale wouldn't get told to Karai, but would stick out in Mondo's mind, and it would be too weird to be a coincidence. :)

Awww … Mondo, such a good host! And that was a confusing explanation to give.

Mikey would get bored.

I really think Donnies need laboratory's separate from the lair.

Those are some good signs, Donnie.

Well now Raph's outright encouraging, Mikey to get their brother out so they can go to the surface! :O

Oh, wow … going to your brother's crush …

It's called "infatuation" red-clad-turtle … :)

Well, he's still mad, but not as mad as he mighta been maybe. I can't believe April actually did it, though.

Now I'm curious about what Donnie is building. He might well nee a break, though.

Oh, Mikey, never lets a little grease get in the way of him hugging somebody.

Wow. Mikey had no idea.

Yeah, Karai puts way too much effort into having all eyes on her to enjoy being ignored.

You have Karai's voice down here pat! And she's even another Karai!

Disturbing Karai, or hope-giving?

Oh Karai!

Well, I guess she wasn't "That" nasty, I suppose.

Yeah, Karai … I don't think you have time for all that …

Mmmmm … I'm not sure about "best" Karai …

She not seeing a pattern in the naming here yet?

Raph, you can't just demand that others be your messengers.

Yep, that's very much Karai.

The smoke-bomb move is usually theirs.

Ouch, Karai! I imagine Leo would love racing.

Oh Raph …

Oh Karai … and Leo … and the other boys …

Great writing.

God Bless
ScribeofHeroes chapter 1 . 5/12
I love you make Murakami Leo's father here. I always loved his character and he would be an awesome father I think, and Leo makes an awesome son.

God Bless
sonavelkovskaa5842 chapter 30 . 1/10
Это классная история, желаю вам удачи с новой историей черепашек ниндзя. Мне интересно узнать, что было дальше
countrygirl35 chapter 30 . 8/9/2019
Hey, I enjoyed both story's. The ending sounds like there's gonna be a next book. Will there be one? I have an idea. If your interested. Let me know if your interested.
Guest chapter 30 . 7/3/2019
This was really awesome! I loved it as much as the other part!
000Marie198 chapter 5 . 6/28/2019
The image of this Leo dressed up like a bat and being very dorkily excited is adorable!

I'll add it to my list of adorable Leos
000Marie198 chapter 5 . 6/28/2019
The image of this Leo dressed up like a bat and being very dorkily excited is adorable!

I'll add it to my list of adorable Leos
000Marie198 chapter 30 . 6/28/2019
You freakin mindreader. How do you know that we jump to the end of story to check if it ended well for the turtles? I am guilty of doing so often times.
Anyway, I immensely enjoyed rereading both stories.

My most favourite part was The Gorgious Blonde(teaching Leo to lie.)

Couldn't stop laughing after that! XD
TNO chapter 30 . 6/14/2019
Great story.
One of your better ones (even if I prefer the first part).
I especially like your description of Karai/Leonardo relationship.
In most fics they are either portrayed as infatuated lovers or mortal enemies. Your variant is much better.
zaylo267 chapter 30 . 4/9/2019
Ninja reviews lmao XD the happy ending is sweet although that stock guy should just do the stocks lmao
Bananarock509 chapter 30 . 10/16/2018
I wish canon Leo would meet this Leo, despite the age discrepancy. I’m pretty sure Leo still feels guilty for what he thinks is abandoning a version of his brothers.
000Marie198 chapter 18 . 9/30/2018
Raph if you properly know any Leo at all you would have known that in dire situations, almost every plan Leo makes involves getting himself killed
115 chapter 30 . 9/16/2018
If you do write a sequel, I'll definitely check it out!
Sairey13 chapter 30 . 8/31/2018
Even though you said you're not going to do a third/Trilogy to the Just Fine Story, you know some people are going to try and convince you to do so from the ending of the story.

Also… What's going to be your next story?
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