Reviews for Makers from the stars
Berna45 chapter 15 . 8/22/2019
Like your story. Was wondering if Airachnid's back story is Elita's from Transformers: Animated?
Reconzilla117 chapter 35 . 5/15/2019
This entire story is very good. Looking forward to what comes next.
MythianTechCorp chapter 35 . 5/6/2019
A good job!
Emrys789 chapter 34 . 2/28/2019
Great as always, keep up the good work!
Emrys789 chapter 33 . 2/17/2019
Please don't, under any circumstances, leave this story unfinished. This story is really interesting and I'm fascinated on seeing where it leads. Keep up the good work!
MythianTechCorp chapter 32 . 1/1/2019
A good chapter!
wolf girl811 chapter 30 . 11/19/2018
hmm, I was kind of hoping for platonic relationships with Arcee and bulkhead with those makers at first let it develope over the years kind of thing.
wolf girl811 chapter 26 . 10/26/2018
those makers keep getting lucky and not seriously hurt with there stunts but I do wonder if certain events will go in a different order?
DraconicBaguette chapter 22 . 9/4/2018
When I first read the words "for a price, of course" my immediate thought was Swindle, but I knew he wasn't one for torture (or at least not the TFA Swindle) so then my second thought was another mech famous for his shanix searching, one who has a green paint job. And then I kept reading and knew exactly who it was, and then I literally did a mini cheer when his name was spoken. I gotta say, having 'him' taking Arachnid's canon role is really brilliant. It was not who I was expecting at all, so it was a pleasant surprise. It also makes a lot of sense, and 'he' fits the role perfectly. I am SO looking forward to seeing more of 'him'. I also love the little elements of TFA that you integrated especially in this chapter. (Plus, I may or may not be shipping 'him' and Arachnid just a little bit… ;D It probably won't happen but… that's kinda the point of shipping, no?)

And what do you mean your writing quality has gone down a noticeable amount?! Gah! You doubt yourself too much! I for one enjoyed this chapter, especially the vague writing style you wrote in during the flash backs. It gave a sense of… urgency I think. That, and a little longing? It definitely helped with the visualizing.

I'm lovin' it! I'm hyped for next chapter! Oh yeah, and the one after… hehehe…
DraconicBaguette chapter 21 . 8/27/2018
YEAAAAAAAH! IM A BIT LATE BUT WOO-HOO! Yas! Silverbolt finally got some action! Hopefully Optimus and Solarflare won't be too harsh on him, though… and Arachnid's next? Given the events of this chapter, it's hard to tell if Silverbolt will be joining Arcee as a punishment of some kind or as backup or something else. Only time will tell, I guess... Great job as always!
OPIv2 chapter 21 . 8/24/2018
Great Chapter. Really nice flow and a fun to read. Can't wait to read/see more. Keep up that good work
OPIv2 chapter 19 . 8/13/2018
The Makers and the Forger specially are really interesting and are fitting really good in Cybertronian Society. Well Done. And now that we have that, the Team can move on and the Forger can hopefully leave it now in the past. That title could be really used too for Solarflare's past if she decides to reveal it. Great Chapter. I hope we can get a flashback for all of our Makers. Can't wait to read more. Keep up that good work.
OPIv2 chapter 18 . 8/13/2018
Wow and there we have Mech. And typical Doomsday with her grenade. I wonder what would have happened if Radical had thrown it. I can't wait to read more. Really great story so far. Keep up that good work
OPIv2 chapter 16 . 8/7/2018
Once again a very good chapter, your characters are a wellspring of emotion and development. I can't wait to read the mystery concerning Solarflare and Megatron although I have my theories nevertheless is it a nice aspect of the story. Mysteries are making the life more exciting. I can't wait to hear their next adventure and with Mayham their next "explosive" adventure. Keep up that good work.
DraconicBaguette chapter 14 . 8/3/2018
Haha, yeah, Wheeljack probably would accidentally 'shoot first-ask questions later'. But this isn't Wheeljack we're meeting…

Seriously though, I like the backstory tidbit you threw in for Makeshift. Gladiator didn't even cross my mind when he was introduced originally. It's creative, so well done.
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