Reviews for (Un)Familiar Territory
laureleaf chapter 1 . 4/17/2019
I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed Aramis missing that shot! I love how well you write these characters in this really tumultuous situation. I think you handle the tough transitional period better than the show honestly.
Uia chapter 6 . 9/8/2018
loved all of it...excellent job...God bless
Anny B chapter 4 . 9/1/2018
The beauty of fan fiction is that you can expand, alter, and pursue different story lines from the original cannon. I like your take on the individual characters and their brotherhood.
Luthien17 chapter 6 . 8/18/2018
Sorry for my delay, I've to admit I read this chapter when it came out, I just didn't find the time to leave a review yet.
The ending isn't lame at all , I think it's brilliant. After all that has happened, a happy ending à la 'Aramis and Porthos hug it out' didn't seem right at all. This gesture, of cleaning Aramis' pistols, is one tiny step towards a reconciliation, and somehow I'm glad you're leaving it that way. It leaves space for imagination. Or a sequel (I'm terribly greedy - sorry). So, what else? I love your writing, and I love the way you so easily portray their dynamics, even the complicated S3 ones. I enjoyed this story very much, thank you for writing it! I hope we'll get to read more from you soon!
Haro kzoids chapter 6 . 8/17/2018
La historia sin duda ha sido encantadora y bastante para reflexionar.
Ojalá hubiesen pasado la serie en mi país.
Regresando a la historia, en especial al capítulo...
Finalmente se logra ver que las cosas empiezan a caer en su lugar, quizá no con la velocidad deseada, pero si de alguna forma muy sutil.
Los toques cómicos y serios fueron excelentes. Y las reflexiones de Athos sobre como Aramís fuera acogido, tristemente exactas. Otra cosa que me encantó fue la parte donde ** " Once upon a time, it would have been tacitly understood and accepted."** fue agri-dulce.
Debo concordar contigo que si quedó algo flojo el final. sin embargo da lugar para un pequeño cuento corto para ver como Porthos terminó limpiando las armas de Aramís. Como Athos dio su opinión en todo el asunto, porque no solo es el capitán... si d'artagan confrontó a Porthos, era lógico que Athos hiciera lo mismo.
Saludos y gracias... soy felizzzz ( I'm hapyyyyy!)
beeblegirl chapter 6 . 8/16/2018
Lovely to see the troubled relationship with Aramis finally starting to heal, although they were all affected it was definitely Porthos who was more overt. Great story and the ending was perfect. Thank you.
Whatfunny chapter 6 . 8/16/2018
great chapter! really liked athos' and aramis' talk... BUT! You can't just leave it here... They haven't made up... I get the cleaning of the pistols was a way to make (sort of) amends I guess... but well I just really needed Aramis to step up and confront Porthos or something...
Oh well... like how you write and I liked the story... even though Porthos frustated me a bit... (a lot haha)
Helensg chapter 6 . 8/16/2018
Nice ending, Athos so optimistic about their brotherhood coming together as before.
Jmp chapter 6 . 8/16/2018
Thank you, I think they have way to go yet but are on the way.
pallysAramisRios chapter 6 . 8/15/2018
Aramis and his secrets of injuries .. He and Porthos still not seeing eye to eye (kinda liking that for bit) wonder if that will draw Porthos and d'Artagnan closer (well duh pally of course they've been to war you twit! ) but now with the war over and Aramis with them will Porthos be drawn protective to d'Artagnan way more (but slowly start opening his heart back to Aramis ?
Mountain Cat chapter 6 . 8/15/2018
First, I'm glad you didn't end with a big emotional reconciliation scene. That wouldn't be realistic.
Aramis was correct in one respect - there was a "before" and there is an "after." There was brotherhood "before" and, God willing, there can be brotherhood "after." It's those four years in between the "before" and "after" that Aramis will never be able to get back, and it was by his choice, not theirs. However, Porthos cleaning Aramis' pistols indicates that he is willing to start to build a new brotherhood. It won't happen overnight, but it's a beginning.
I also look forward to your next effort and hope Athos will have a bigger role in it.
And, by the way, Thank You. You probably know why.
FierGascon chapter 6 . 8/15/2018

Nice gesture from Porthos: a step in the right direction!

T'was a great ride where we got to see 'em slowly getting back together after being apart: well done!

Thanks for sharing; looking forward to your next fic!
Deana chapter 6 . 8/15/2018
Great chapter! I hope you write something else soon!
Haro kzoids chapter 5 . 8/14/2018
Al menos d'Artagnan ya se dio cuenta del distanciamiento (que solo el sol era más obvio de día) y que Aramís realmente se encuentra en problemas, y no sólo físicos.
Aunque la frase "Aprendimos a vivir sin tí" es bastante realista. O lo hacían o terminaban con una bala de mosquete o de cañón.
Al menos Porthos admite que le preocupa en más de una manera.
Éste ha sido uno de mis capítulos favoritos y la parte especial cuando d'Artagnan le dice a Aramís que él sigue siendo un Mosquetero.
Gran trabajo.
FierGascon chapter 5 . 8/11/2018

I hope Porthos sees reason soon!
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