Reviews for My Death Battles Season 1
SombraZorro70 chapter 14 . 5/7
I finally read the whole thing and I have to say this is favorite chapter so far! Especially the bonus, no doubt that Maul join the red lantern core.
Shadowjab17 chapter 8 . 4/6/2019
Next Fight: Sakura can't even detect Rukia. Rukia eliminates with ease. No doubt.
Shadowjab17 chapter 5 . 10/31/2018
Well Jason won like I said. No contest.

Great job guys. I enjoyed reading this.
Shadowjab17 chapter 4 . 9/16/2018
Michael vs Jason next? Yeah,Jason wins hands down. No contest.
Shadowjab17 chapter 1 . 7/15/2018
Okay. Try these out. Haven't gotten around to them myself yet.

-Ignosaurus vs Groundon. A match-up between giant fire lizards.

-Popeye The Sailor Man vs Saitama. One Punch vs Spinach! What wins?

-James Bond vs Ethan Hunt. Two secret agents that save the day and do the impossible. But who wins in a fight to the death?

-Perfect Cell vs Ultron. Ultimate creations that seek their own goals and not of their creators.