Reviews for Head in the Clouds
Blah chapter 4 . 5/25
Love this story! I know this hasn’t been updated in two years but, having Aizawa’s POV would be lovely! It’s a nice concept too. With Skull being Hitoshi, it definitely makes things interesting but also saddening to think about how Hitoshi’s life might have been. I really hope Skull/Hito gets to meet Aizawa eventually!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/6
Yessssssss I love skull and Hitoshi! Ma boys! I'm super excited to see how this is going to go.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/1
Great story! Please come back and update as soon as you can, I would love to read more!
MarieAndHerDogs chapter 4 . 12/14/2019
This is so good! I can’t wait to read more!
VVGirl chapter 4 . 10/20/2019
Yay Hitoshi!
arapyanime chapter 4 . 10/14/2019
Cant wait for the next chapter, soo good Skull as Hitoshi hahaha
Guest chapter 4 . 7/26/2019
I've never really imagined it that way, i mean, skull as shinso? Similar appearances, different personalities

Nuvola chapter 4 . 5/21/2019
Re Reading this story again, and it still makes me smile every time.
Hope the story continues, and awaites Dadasawas reaction~
House of falling cards chapter 4 . 3/5/2019
This is exciting! I look forward to what happens next.
Now that Skull mentioned it, it's understandable to what skull might be feeling in regards to what limited amount of information comes from quirks and it's discovery.
Crystal Blue Butterfly chapter 4 . 2/4/2019
Omg. Bloody brilliant!
OpalIstas chapter 4 . 1/23/2019
Ah~ This is great! I'm so glad that Skultoshi has finally arrived at a place where he can come out of apathy. And it's nice to see someone point out that surely this one test can't be the only way to become a hero. Love the mention that Present Mic is really Skull's kind of guy. And yeeeessss, Dadzawa pov for next chap. I'm so glad that you wrote this story and I'm looking forward to see what's next.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/3/2019
Skull in this one is so done
Innieminnie chapter 4 . 12/17/2018
Like this. Like it a lot.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/12/2018
Wow. Skull might just make it into the Hero course after all, without waiting for the sports festival. Rescue points can't just be something pulled out of someone's ass for Izuku's sake, can it? Too suspicious. And Skull's also displaying tactics and field-commanding traits which are probably a pleasing thing to have in a baby-Hero. He might not have a flashy Quirk, but being able to lead teams of other Heroes to greater victory with lesser damages is a power all it's own and not always teachable.
Plus even without admitting that Eraserhead is his favorite Hero and Present Mic is very much his kind of dude, he's demonstrating exactly why Aizawa dislikes the current exams and would be someone he'd be able to hold up as an example of why the obsession with showy Quirks is overrated. I can see Aizawa-sensei pointing to him and saying "I want that one" should the chance arise though I'm not sure how much of the traits we can see as readers will translate to the monitors for the tests.
On a barely-related note, I'd bet that it might just be the first time Aizawa has ever had a student walk into his class and fanboy about i/him/i so enthusiastically and genuinely. Izuku might fanboy over every hero, but a kid who legitimately claims that Eraserhead is his lifelong favorite and inspiration for becoming a Pro-Hero? Especially if finding out his homeroom teacher is his favorite Hero gets a bit of the dramatic and spectacular Skull we know and love brought to the fore for a bit? At the least he'll be internally flailing over it and I want to grin and coo at him.
YokaiAngel chapter 4 . 12/4/2018
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