Reviews for Overwatch: Remnant Sector
mathis der fels chapter 4 . 6/8
I genuinely could not finish reading this chapter because it made me cringe so hard. This is not because you have poor writing skills; its just that this surpasses any cringe an overly edgy 14-year old could produce.
LoamyCoffee chapter 4 . 6/7
Nice work~
Wolf1741 chapter 4 . 6/7
Jaune is how his name is spelt
Guest chapter 3 . 4/20
Plz update Birth of the Wizarding Shinobi soon plz
LoamyCoffee chapter 3 . 4/19
This is going well~
pittsacee chapter 1 . 4/2
Will you give him a harem I think He deserves one
SapphireAsashi chapter 1 . 3/24
For his faults, at least Donald Trump isn't a puppet like Bush and Obama were and he's actually upholding promises.

You, among other's, really don't deserve to live in the Land of Freedom.
lolo nade chapter 2 . 2/26
It literally makes no sense for him to join the academy thoughhhhh, like why? Even the excuse given was flimsy at best
Zolkrath chapter 2 . 2/1
hope you continue
pittsacee chapter 2 . 1/31
Will sinbad have a harem
Stratos263 chapter 2 . 1/30
Good luck reaper. That was too close for Weiss
hellfire45 chapter 2 . 1/29
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and I hope this will be a harem
TheBestLikeNoOneEverWas chapter 2 . 1/28
Looking good so far! Looking forward to the next chapter.
mmiller25819 chapter 1 . 7/23/2019
is this over
Stratos263 chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
Good job on the start. Good luck reaper
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