Reviews for Into the Light
Xanthar chapter 17 . 9/10
I’m not a prolific reviewer, and I don’t recall if I’ve posted any on this series yetbut I just wanted to say thank you for writing this! I’ve been following this series for some time now, and it has been a wonderful experience. I especially want to commend you for this latest entryInto the Light.

For many years I have searched in vain for a good fanfic about the Dragonborn taking the fight to the Thalmor. Yours is one of only two I have foundand my favorite of those twowith quality writing, sensible plot development, AND a commitment to finishing the story! Every day horribly-written fanfics get completed, while masterpieces lay abandoned. You are one of those rare writers on this site who show both skill AND dedication to the craft. The quality and consistency of your writing stand out, and they deserve commendation!

If you finish this out (and I have faith that you will!) this series will join a very small number of fan fictions that I have printed, bound, and placed on my bookshelf alongside J.R.R. Tolkien and some of my other favorite works. Some things are too special to have only on the Internet.

Keep up the good work!
MsCollins chapter 17 . 8/24
I feel like it should be mentioned that the aedra did used to be on nirn but were basically absorbed over a great deal of time because the majority of their energy was used to create the planet and all that. tamsyn didnt have her energy stolen by lorkhan like the others. just saying, you know, before you do anything hasty. on a more serious note, great chapter. I was starting to think maybe the resurrection shout was forgotten about but I'm glad it wasn't. its been wonderful getting updated. been home sick with covid for over 3 weeks now and it's nice to read something fresh.
motherduderior1 chapter 17 . 8/24
Another fantastic chapter.
Fenrir070 chapter 15 . 8/19
This is something I've both been looking forward to and dreading as it means the end is drawing near. Great chapter as usual, thank you.
Fenrir070 chapter 13 . 8/19
Got to say I love all the refs to other places/things in Tamriel and Nirn in general you bring to this story. Yokuda, Sommerset Isle and so on. Makes for a much more immersive experience and is probably one of the reasons this is on my list ("this" being all your stories as a whole) of top three Elder Scrolls fanfics. Thanks for all the research and effort you put into these chapters.
Ranjeev Grewal chapter 16 . 8/11
Can't wait for the next chapter :D hope you're safe during COVID
motherduderior1 chapter 16 . 8/11
By the Nine, this chapter is epic. I have been following Marcus's story for a few years now, and still get excited when I get the email about another chapter! My heart is still pounding after reading!
Jesse James Pestell chapter 6 . 7/23
Another great read! I can't wait for your next one, here's hoping it comes soon :)
Bigguestinboots chapter 14 . 5/28
"Torbjorn glanced at his wife, Tova, who was standing quietly by, glaring at him. He knew that look. There would be no peace in his house if he didn't cave in."

Yup you get it . also you made me tear up. Thats not easy to do. Thank you.
lukemowry chapter 1 . 2/9
Just read you're bio tbh. I had no idea you were facing such a dilemma. I sincerely hope the best of luck to you. I'm not sure if you are a beleiver in Christ but I will pray for you regardless. You seem like an intelligent and humble person. I am truly a fan of your work and with the life you've lived based on the short summary of you bio it seems like You deserve rest and to spend the rest of you're days in happiness. I was serious about paying you money through pay pal to write a story for me if you're interested . but you're health comes first so it is only an offer. my heart goes out to you're struggles. give it to God and let him be you're foundation security and rest. Hope you have a blessed day
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9
So I checked your bio, really sorry for everything that's been happening. Fuck the story please focus on yourself, and I hope you're better soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/8
is everything okay ? You haven't updated in awhile. I will be honest out of all the stories I've read on fanfic. I have yet to read one that brings out such detail and creativity like you do with you're stories. you focus on strategy build up detail and war. Everything has meaning. heck is personally send you money on PayPal just to see you write a specific story after you're through with this one. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter on this. I litterally look everyday to see when another is up. Hope everything is well. from luke
Guest chapter 5 . 12/24/2019
love this story. I hope all is well with you. give it to God. Hope your not abandoning this story cuz it's simply amazing. I'ma big fan of the intellectual way you write your stories - from luke
Dumnezeu chapter 14 . 12/17/2019
Happy birthday! Love your books and admire your writing ability, how you’ve gone beyond just Skyrim and built the world around these characters from the previous chapters to now. I also really like how the narrative main characters shift from Tamsyn and Azura to Marcus and Dante and vice versa, it really keeps me on edge in a good way! It’s like two stories wrapped together in one! I wish we could buy print copies of stories on this platform, I’d love to have your books on my shelf!
A Week Of Sundays chapter 14 . 12/13/2019
What an awesome chapter! And happy belated birthday! Hope the weather is more bearable there than it is where I’m at, and have a merry Christmas if you don’t update before then!
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